Excerpt 19- Zombies Not To Scale

"take 'em down", i said popping out from behind the truck and letting a slug fly at the head of the gate guard, which prompted a barrage of fire from 9mm pistols and a few guys to run at us with melee weapons, only to be blown away by alcatraz's remington.

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At the small of his back there was a 9mm pistol, not for the ghosts, but for the living who might be squatting in the old abandoned places that he often explored.

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The Hybrid War Part 4

She entered the flight deck of her home and landed on one of the lift, she hit a button on her pda and the lift descended, once in the hanger she jump down from the fighter, with her browning 9mm pistol in her hand, it was dark as she approached the service

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The Death Sentence

Oddly enough, he had a silenced 9mm pistol on his. "huh. did not see that coming." he picked it up and fired once into the bear's head. his kept the pistol in his hand and carefully tilted the broken vending machine onto the table.

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Wartorn Earth

I grabbed enough c4 to nuke the dictators palace, a silencer for my rifle, and a 9mm pistol. soul yells toward me, "you ready 45'," he says teasingly. i respond in an equally joking matter, "jacked up, and good to go sir!"

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Furry Apocalypse Virus

Chris had a baseball bat, and i had a 9mm pistol i'd grabbed from an abandoned police car many miles ago. i so far hadn't needed to use it against any of the infected, and i hoped i'd never have to. "what do you think - coast clear?"

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The Hybrid War Part 5

Strawberry opened one large case to reveal two m30 carbines and two 9mm pistols "we need food not guns", she yelled, she opened the other large one, it was packed with ammunition, she kicked the case hard sending it toppling against the wall causing

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Zombie apocalypse: chapter 4

Higgins looked at swift, "i don't recall asking you" he said as he pulled out a glock 9mm pistol and shot swift in the leg. "you fucking bastard" red screamed as he charged higgins.

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Hybrid War: Chapter 3

He slung the strap of his rifle over his shoulder and pulled a knife and 9mm pistol. "go commando" he ordered as he ducked into the undergrowth and started moving to where the capthians were hiding.

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No Light To Be Seen Book 2: Chapter 7

Flame shifts and wobbles until what looks like a single 9mm pistol shimmers into shape. something's odd about the grip of this weapon though...what idiot would cut four holes cut into it's grip?

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PUBG - Squad Nightmare

The loud click of a 9mm pistol cocking made her heart stop. the guard behind red aimed his gun at the back of the felines head and fired. just as his body dropped moon heard the shot then silence.

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1- A Husky Tells No Tales

He swore as he pulled his small, 9mm pistol from its holster and cocked it. suddenly the remaining soldiers were beset upon by a bombardment of bullets from the side.

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