Part 1

Austin was standing in the door with an ak-47 staring him straight in the eye. "who are you?" he asked. "i'm your best friend, have been for about twenty years," he told him calmly. "prove it."

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Battle For Atlanta

Beside the wounded female tiger was an ak-47, most likely the same one that killed specialist river. i kneeled in front of the wounded female, anger heating up my fur.

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Eighteen and Stoned

_" i really didn't understand the text, but two hours later (waiting for my parents to leave for some stupid banquet) we were both sitting on my back porch, staring at a bag of ak-47 (for those of you familiar with your shit) that aaron got from his older

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Brothers in Arms: Elysian Fields

#9 of brothers in arms hamid lifted a type 56, the chinese replica of the ak-47, and fired a few shots into the air. excitement was pouring off of him, his sweat matting his fur.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 8-Eastern Ally

Issac himself had an ak-47 slung over his shoulder,while frank had a silenced uzi and hudson got the older version of the fnh fal,each of us also got a cz-75 handgun and a few russian made mk-30 hand grenades.

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Three Furs, One House

One held an ak-47 and the other a sharp machete. the third fur, a german shepherd by the look of her, wore an american uniform and was tied to a chair in between the other two. a bag covered her head.

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The Breaking Point: Chapter 3

One of them took a pot shot with the ak-47, and i opened up with the m2, tearing him in half, and the others were quickly decimated.

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Guardian IV Omake: Spec Ops Tigers

Hands on his ak-47. too tired to think straight, too injured to aim. he just pointed his weapon roughly between his legs, in the direction of the enemy, and pulled the trigger. fucking shoot. fucking shoot and fucking kill them. humans--barely.

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Corneria's Corps ch. 4

This didn't last long; an old ak-47 round- a weapon made in a completely different planetary system- struck me in the shoulder. i stumbled back, fell off the ledge, and fell on my ass, right next to pfc ranning's body.

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Disease, Chapter 2

Dyno, trying his best, couldn't convince the caravan leader to let him keep his issued ak-47. "if you want this job, you'll take what we offer! i don't haggle with idiot mercs, now get outa my face!"

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The Downedest Day Part 4: Worlds in the White

I grabbed his ak-47 and fired the last few bullets in the magazine into his back. the world seemed silent to me as he crumpled to the ground. my dimming vision made things all the more eerie.

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A Soul to the Wind

I placed the files in a corner and grabbed my ak-47 where i had left it. no longer did it feel like an instrument of death and destruction but a great weapon of justice.

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