Starslut: A Dragon's Pets

McCloud kept wondering how the hell he kept getting into these situations. He was in trouble; deep trouble. He hung by his wrists which had been locked together in a single big, mechanical cuff that kept him dangling from the ceiling a good foot or so...

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Rudolph's Sore, Red Ass

Rudolph was grumpy and upset. He sat outside Santa's workshop, leaning against a big old oak tree while snow fell softly around his naked form. The cold didn't effect him or the other reindeer; being Santa's reindeer came with a few benefits, one of...

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Demon's Vengeance

**Demon's Vengeance** The weather outside was cold and oppressive - not something uncommon for the cursed and blighted Darktown, named so after the constant and unending wretchedness that had swallowed it since the appearance of the demons two...

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Failing Son, Dominant Dad

**Failing Son, Dominant Dad** Papers lay strewn across the desk, the bespectacled wolf sitting back in his chair with a sigh, shaking his head. "He's failing so bad," he muttered to himself, running his eyes over the godawful essay his own son had...

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Gargoyles: Learning New Things

It was a slow night. Brooklyn paced around the room impatiently. He was desperate for something to do, anything to occupy himself with. Hudson was nearby, cycling through his favourite TV Channels. Brooklyn could hear a few seconds of audio, followed...

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Robin Hood: Sheriff's New Toy

The Sheriff of Nottingham made his way down the cold corridors of the castle dungeons, whistling a merry tune and spinning his ring of keys around his finger. His footsteps echoed down the hallway as he went, the happy tune he was whistling seeming to...

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Punishment for an Exhibitionist

"Okay... Okay, you got this..." Jason sat back behind the wheel of his car and let out a slow breath, "C'mon, just like you've seen in those videos. You can do it." the young Arctic fox looked out his window at the dozens of cars and trucks going by....

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What Happens in Detention Part 3

Author's Note; This is a quick story I wrote to help me get over the writer's block I've been suffering from for weeks now. I know it's not much, but I thought writing a short story might help. Hope you like it! ...

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Mass Effect: Interspecies Bonding

"Finally..." Garrus muttered as he downed his first drink, the hard techno-dance music filled Garrus's ears as he sat alone in the Citadel's Flux nightclub, "Finally I get to relax." "You know, I always see you come and go from here but you never...

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Partnered with the Bully

Dustin waited impatiently for the bell to ring as he stared at the clock. Only half an hour left. The young fox was barely listening to what his English teacher was saying. After a couple minutes of idle staring, he heard his teacher raise his voice...

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Krystal's Enslavement: Chapter 2

Peppy and Slippy stared at their leader who had just lead his vixen companion into the cockpit of the Great Fox. "So, uh, Fox... Who's your friend?" Peppy asked. "This?" Fox said with a smirk, looking at the blue vixen, "Heh, this is just something I...

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Seducing the Teacher

The teacher walked up and down the front of the class while his students sat at their desks uncaring and bored to death. At the back, three of his students were paying extra attention to him. Not paying attention to his lesson, but to his body. ...

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