Crazy Paranormal Chapter 4

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm clock going off again. I turn it off and gets up. I don't remember anything that happened yesterday until I see my clothes that I'm still wearing from yesterday. Everything came rushing back at me. I groan and...

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 3

As I wait for death to come, I think about my mom. If she finds out I'm dead then she would be devastated. I think about all of the things we have done together, all of the memories that we could've had together. I tried to remember all of the colors...

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 1

I was sleeping peacefully until my alarm clock started going off. I groan and rolled over onto my stomach and presses snooze and goes back to sleep. Five minutes later I heard my mom yelling at me. "Victoria! It's time to get up you're going to be late...

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Wasteland Survivor – Regaining life - ch26

"... and that's when your patrol found me." The soldier told us, finishing his oral debriefing, "The rest of it, along with the finer details, is in the written report I prepared." He finished, handing us a folder holding a mass of binder...

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Day 10

We spent the early morning searching the building gathering any and all food we could, it wasn't a huge supply, but thankfully a pantry was filled with canned goods that would still be good. "Ok, I found these tools in a maintenance cupboard."...

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Day 6

Ok, I layed off the slow, sappy love songs, got some more of Mr Reznor and his Nails on my mp3 player and got the plot back on track. Can they follow the threads of hope? Will there be a shred of redemption or will it just be another lost scrap of...

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A Child's Vengenance; Chapter 1

(A break from the war, actually an rp I'm doin' wiht Little\_Samantha. \*One I need to still finish\* Hope you enjoy it!) The Hot Scale Nightclub was a buzz that particular evening. The patrons crowded the flashing dance floor, all in a...

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The beginning is. . .

The sun crept along the skyline of downtown Merin, the bright rays reflecting along the once darkened glass to give a glow of new life. The beginning sounds of traffic and pedestrians...

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Metal-Heads Ch.2

"Ahhh." Sighed Veronica as she immersed herself in the waters off Cowell Beach in Santa Cruise (Don't tell me I'm a fucking idiot for not mentioning the location in the first chapter, I already know). She always liked to go for a swim in the ocean...

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Roommates 2: Socializing

Author's Note: EDIT: ooo, spur of the moment editing! Mostly technical, so no major story reconstruction. Cuz that sucks. Roommates Two: Socializing Croy--------------------- I cleaned...

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Keeping Secrets: The End?

That morning, the morning I heard that Serevus had left, I was torn to pieces. I tried my hardest all day to not cry in front of anyone. And regardless of how much I knew he was not coming back my heart refused to believe it. There was always the...

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Same old tricks, older audience

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright, I am sure to be hearing some complaints to how I will have skipped over a lot of the details in my adventures with Brian and a few other friends but I have come to realize that writing my real life story is...

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