Zombies are Wankers: Never Mind Settling Down

Albus saw bellwether, scowled, and said "if you even think about double-crossing me and the people i care about, then i'll turn you into a doormat, smellwether."

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Dangerous Games

That's when vince decided they should take the fight to them, and find out who double-crossed the tomcat all those years ago.

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Ghost 2 Index

Richhein, rhino - double-crossed ghost and was slammed through several walls before the fox regained his temper. there wasn't much of the rhino or the building intact afterwords. riot-doors - solid steel doors put in at key points in the hallways.


The Exotic Sea Dragon Maid, Chapter 2

"this is what happens to slave traders who double cross me," said porque. "i am here to collect my princess back." asilah felt frightened. "so, this is what you do, eh?" said delton.

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A slightly less silly Echo fanfic

"lady, i've been restraining myself long before you came into our lives" sydney said, "and since you double crossed me you're grounded." "no, i'm not." "indeed, you're not."

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[Patreon] Under the Patch

At the same time, there was no one he expected a double-cross from more than wolf. and from the sound of it, wolf was expecting a double-cross from his own brain. "i'm not heading back home for a while yet.

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Epilogue : To Remember Him

However, she changed her mind when she learned about the double cross geoweregarurumon and called off the attack. so the children were saved that day.

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Cry me a Murder, pt 8 *Final Part*

"you double-crossing motherfu..." he cursed, before two new tentacles shot out from the dark and caught his arms. "no!" he screamed. "don't take me, take him... he's a traitor."

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Cold Blood

"considering who this is, she's far too cautious to let just anyone get close to her... she must have been double crossed, but something like that would have taken months of gaining her trust, or she was desperate and fell for a trick of a clever assassin.

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A Riders Deal and A Dragons Feelings

The shade offered eragon weighed the options in his head, he knew he couldn't trust a shade no matter what, he needed a fallback incase the shade tried to double cross him.

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Zacian's Payment

When the king tried to double-cross the wolf of his promised payment, he and his household soon found themselves paying prices far steeper than they imagined. a pokephilia piece written in 2019 in preparation for the then-upcoming sword and shield games.

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Suncrest - Chapter 5

Nobody double-crosses tea and gets away with it! nobody! i'm gonna wring his little neck! i'm gonna-" "paladins, t," giu said. "paladins." he gestured towards the window.

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