Empowered to Ecstasy

The fire pokemon felt his lover's knot throb where it was locked within his ass, and he saw sigil shiver in bashful, almost reluctant pleasure as another final trickle of cum oozed forth within the blaziken's rump.

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Uncatchable: Luxray

Letting out a burp, able to taste the fire pokemon on his breath still. satisfied the luxray walked towards the nearby lake to wash the cum out of his fur.

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Playing With Fire - Chapter 2

There was nothing like this fire pokemon's cock and i couldn't get enough. my hands gripped the sheets tighter, pulling them to my chest as i panted and twitched beneath him. i thought i might just melt into the bed.

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Randy kept his paws on pyrope's sheath, feeling as the fire pokemon's cock slid out into the open. while keeping his small, yellow paws fixed tightly to pyrope's privates, randy lent over, his head moving behind pyrope's rump and nuzzling softly.

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Life Debt

The fire pokemon's eyes softened as he spoke. "well, if you wish, i'll help you. i do owe you that." his paw gently traces down the standing mewtwos face and neck, tickling at his chest and abs.

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Seducing Arcanine

I pitched the tent, the extra big sleeping bag was unrolled and the only thing left was to pull out the fire pokemon. reaching into my bag i took his pokeball into my hand. a gentle toss and he was out.

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NMH_ Peace in Place 5

Six months has past and nzyro and his mates along with mirage and other fire pokemon that lived there before finally rebuilt the mountain to a safe inviroment.

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Chapter Three: The Battle

"i'm rick, the gym leader of this town, i am a master of fire pokemon" he boomed, rising from his chair. "i'm steve, i'm here to defeat you and earn the eighth gym badge" he replied.


Pounding at the pound

The male's shaft slowly started sliding from its warm shelter as the fire pokemon became more and more aroused.

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Subjected - Short Yiff Story

Maybe that was because he was a fire pokemon. it made it more enjoyable for his cock as it kept driving itself inside feeling that blissful warmth as then his knot slowly began to peak out. "oh god!!!!!"

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 27 - Altala - The City at Night

The fire pokemon was convinced that kyurex and cage were some fellow hunters. "no. we're only participants of the bronze tournament, and we were actually just walking around."

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Boy Bands and Giant Rats

I couldn't resist having one fire pokemon, and he's so playful he reminded me of when pyre was a puppy). bipin evolved too. he's a dartrix now. as far as i can tell there aren't any gyms around here either.

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