Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Vermilion Gym
"come on out diglett!" diglett appeared and seemed happy to already be battling. "diglett use dig!" diglett ducked underground avoiding the drowzee's pound and popped back up underneath the drowzee surprising the psychic type.
Seven Years Later Chapter 3
After calling for him, diglett emerged from the ground with pop. "hey guys", pipped diglett. "nice to finally meet the overexcited totodile and extremely shy charmander." introducing themselves to the sentry guard, diglett only nodded coolly.
Before I Change My Mind
The diglett cheered. luna breathed a sigh of relief as she left the diglett and his friends to their own devices. but moments later, the same diglett suddenly popped up again in a hole right beside her, stopping her dead in her tracks with a startle.
The Human Species Ch. 54 - No Man's Land
He's new around here, and he's never seen a diglett before," zerobi chimed in with a wave of her hand, making the diglett turn its head around to look at her.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 9- Guild Under Siege pt. 1
The team of three gathered in the corridor that was once the diglett's station, immersing themselves in the amount of surprising elbow room it provided.
The Trainer Portal (Pokemon TFs)
However, the diglett went back into its hole, trying to find it's way home, because it wasn't just a diglett, it used to be a human, and it was infected.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 12: Shockingly Good Old Time!
Some of the diglett followed the trainers underground, causing small earthquakes. surge motions for them to halt by holding up a fist. "those dang diglett causing earthquakes from their constant digging. it's not safe to move while they do."
Zekrom and the curse of the beaten belly
And he's suddenly woken up by a diglett, a mole-like pokémon whose legs have never been seen, that happened to dig out in this very same cave. and, to make matters worse, the diglett rises its head to collide with zekrom's stomach.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Rock Tunnel
A child then battled me with a diglett and i decided to use my diglett against his, we both used the same moves but mine eventually came out on top, but it wasn't easy at all.
C + M: Pokemon Adventures Part 1
Occasionally, the ground was broken by a diglett hole, where a diglett had dug up to the surface. a couple of the holes had digletts poking up out of them. other holes had become home to trapinchs, waiting to catch something else unaware.
Pokebrothel 14
"ok, split now," the diglett commanded. turning to stacey and the eevee, he said, "and you two, lick each other clean. i want all the cum swallowed."
A Tale of Fire & Grass Chapter 3: Oreburgh
The leaves, instead of missing the digletts, turned and dove into the holes after them. the digletts dug wildly, trying to escape the sharp leaves that chased after them in their hastily made tunnels.