Scarborough Fair Story One Chapter One

Her body constantly aching from the tortures inflicted on her, the vixen morph fearfully watched the door, dreading its opening, for that would bring more pain and suffering to her.

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War, Peace, and Love

The anthro-morph was called vix's for that it was a female fox morph. in the following years, more than one million anthro-morphs inhabited the territories of the naa. the anthro-morphs were feline or k-9.

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February friday afternoon the ptv pulled up outside of a building, and a pregnant fox morph stepped out, carrying hir bag of possessions, the only things that shi own.

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The fox morph exclaimed. "so, um is there a dance hall?" \ "cool, i so want to dance and sing." shi said, excitedly. \

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College Days 2319 Trailer

Stephan looked at the poor fox morph with sadness, thinking how could his race be so cruel and malicious. "get him out of here!" screamed a female vixen, obviously the cubs relative.

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Yet, no matter what punishment or treatment he was subjected too, the male fox morph took it without complaint or a sound. **crack!** a third welt, this one across his midsection. the young female vixen sobbed with guilt and fear.

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Hir mom, a red fox morph herm, was driving the ptv, shi smiled and blew a kiss to hir daughter, who blew one back. "now, frostpaw, you behave yourself, and no using your special abilities, ok?" crysteen said, sternly.

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Darkened Paradise, A Lifetime of Defiance ch.1

They suddenly pulled a fox morph from her car, beat her a bit, and executed her on the spot. "shit!" erik reached for the small s&w .40 that he had under his jacket and racked the slide.

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TITZ 'N' AZZ Prelude

Just then, the door opened too allow another applicant to enter the premises, a fox morph, female, and she had the most astonishing set of green eyes, almost emerald in colour, and her hair was thick and had a shine to it, which showed that she took great

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Tales of a changed Earth 9

The artic vixen morphed to a white female dragon and the large dragon wrapped her body around the eggs.

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Being Red- Chapter 1

Being a fox morph, her entire body is covered in russet colored fur, two digitigrade legs and a head with not only a long, pointed muzzle but fairly large ears that move to catch all the sounds of the city.

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He whispered, then he was aware of another presence, looking up, he saw a male fox morph, old and carrying a single white rose and leaning on a walking frame. "evening sir." the human male replied, smiling. "good evening."

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