MoonDust, Chapter 23

Not what she'd normally think of as a good sleeping place, but with the low gravity a padded bunk was more for psychological comfort than physical. while she looked around, bruce found a likely pair of crates and started shucking his armor.

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Appointed for Public Service

Turians were normally taller and heavier than humankind, but sarik toridia was a brute, far larger than his low-gravity peers. his thick body, fleshed out under the sinewy muscles of his turian form, left arrulius feeling miniscule by comparison.

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Deep Space

The edge around his bootsoles glowed, some metalic strips magnetizing to let him keep steady in the low gravity. normally perfect for hull-walking. it didn't take long, checking over the boxes, and the exit hatch.

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Chapter 1: Fuzzy Feeling

A small planet with low gravity, everyone had to constantly work out so their bodies would not diminish. which is partially why school started at nine in the morning, it was a deemed two hour work out to keep things functioning right.

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Moon Base

Sean was doing his best to deal with the low gravity when he noticing that the cougar had syringes. with a determined look and ruffled brow he brought the syringe down onto his leg, the empty plastic wrapping was laying beside his feet.

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The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII

#6 of the patchwork soldier low gravity combat is surprisingly peaceful.

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Set on the shoulders, crotch, knees, chest, and thighs were plates that would help him stay on the ground in the station's low gravity. due to his claws the bodysuit ended at the ankles and rose to his jaw. yallen hated that uniform so much.

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Runaway: Chapter 1: The End...

low gravity, hard to keep warm in its position in space. therefore, you would be required to undergo full physical and mental evaluations before we would fully accept you into the company.

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Days Relived

The second phase wasn't nearly as strong and in the low gravity environment, it the acceleration from the rocket made it feel like they were back on earth. "look over there."

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To boldly go

low gravity gets to you, over time; jeri was a little taller than i remembered her, and a bit thinner.

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Drift - Wolf Den

One of the frosted glass partitions opened as kian pushed out of his quarters, pushing off the floor and drifting in the low gravity. as far as humans went, kian was one of the shorter ones, measuring barely over five foot six.

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MoonDust, Chapter 33

The low gravity might help, but a convoy's worth of supplies made for a lot of lifting. it had been a long time since she'd had any proper sleep either, and every blink fell with a leaden weight.

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