The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter 11

Yet to see my mother makes me happy. i began even more to howl. "do not howl. i am here. you are with your family. you will never need to cry over us. soon, we will all be together again." "i know, yet i cannot feel any different.

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Tya's Family Fun - And Things Keep Getting Better

My muzzle went back to work, my tongue licking, lapping and my nose nuzzling at my mother making her growl and moan out lustfully, bringing her closer to her own well deserved orgasm.

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Depression Manifested.

mommy! make it better!" her cries became louder. alex hushed her and motioned to tommy to come closer. "mom can't find out, your mom either. go to your house and get a pair of pliers. we're gonna have to take it out ourselves.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 2b, Outside Influence (pt 5)

He learned about cruff having to start work from a young age, taking any job he could to help his mother make ends meet. "i didn't know."

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Children of War - Prologue

"okay tom, let's go help mom make dinner, since dad shouldn't be too long in town" i said.

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These Final Days

I run downstairs my mom making breakfast handing me beef and eggs and for some odd reason i start gagging from the smell of beef. "whats wrong are you sick?" my mom questions me as she pours a glass of milk for me.

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TLK/LG: a sad reunion, chapter 1: one wish

"but why would mom make me the leader of you guys and start to cry? it doesn't make any sense....' said janja worried. he started to move to the entrance to the volcano. "where are you going?''

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Love From A Stranger Part 5

He won't be bothering you anymore, let mommy make it all better." said jessica soothingly. jessica rubbed his back, comforting barbados. julia rubbed his head as barbados continued to cry. jessica and julia walked away from where the body of mr.

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Beau - Chapter One

Did mom make pancakes? "by the by, ya may want to know you've attracted some rather odd attention over there?" the lioness leaned her elbow on the counter between us and sneakily pointed over her shoulder.

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Astral High - Chapter 31

I entered the front door to find mom making dinner at her ever slowing pace. she was reaching the point where her stomach must've been holding a fully grown infant, ready for birth, but she'd only been pregnant for five months. i figured twins.

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Sleeping Beauty

I wished that it was just a dream, and when i woke up i would find myself back in my room, lying on my cozy bed, and going downstairs to find mother making the delicious breakfast and father sitting at his usual place at the kitchen table reading the newspaper

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