Tales of a changed Earth: How I meet Ewyon

#1 of tales of a changed earth how i meet ewyon by raven fox: a human working for a tour bus company has his life turned upside down, when an energy wave hit's the planet earth. sandy utah may 2008.

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Lost in space...

In only a short week i will be heading home to planet earth, i better be getting some overtime if i want to come back rich!

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Universal Fugetive

planet earth gets taken from its orbit to be placed in someone's collection, but the good samaritan gets taken off the planet earth before it vanishes starting his adventures.

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The Conquerer and the Defier

He believes he walks the barren wastes of the remains of our planet earth billions of years into the future. \ if i could see what i saw then, i would have seen the answer.

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War of the Kaiju: Prologue

Many have different and mysterious origins, but it has been most agreed upon that the nuclear activity on the planet earth, ever since the fallout of world war ii, is the cause that gave rise to the birth of so many of these monsters. 

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Existence: introduction

He's a full-blooded human, the only human born to planet earth in the past 72 years, and that's why he bounces back and forth between a half dozen cities on the eastern seaboard...

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We then zoom out from planet earth then across the galaxy and finally reaching their home planet cybertron or what's left of it.

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One day after some observations king blumiere had found our planet earth and at the time he wanted his kingdom marvinia to stop being so isolated within their nation that is roughly the size of hong kong.


All about Evocanis (Part 2): Origins

Decades of blood spill stained planet earth as these nations tried desperately to regain power.

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End of an Era Chapter 5

"for what the ceos' did was illegal to the planet earth. i don't know how they got away with this, but the felines had gotten a hold of the united planets. so maybe in a few weeks we might get some serious back up."

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Rudys Journey

For the pass six months we've been waiting for permission from the galaxy of planets to start a campaign in taking the planet earth from our enemies.

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Wormhole 2: Misfortunes of The Beasts

"my name is cheetah, from the planet earth."            "oh, luckily you are not a human," the read guy headed towards her. "welcome to the iron castle. i am captain adam."

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