Recontexualize 26 - Unravel

"maybe this won't be a waste of time after all." she tried to back away from the horrible scent. "you're not going to let her off easy, are you?" another asked. that was enough for koslov to push judy's face back into leon's musky tailhole.

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Inferno High - Chapter 7

It all just seems like a big waste of time." [ted] "it's not a waste of time." [daniel] "not in the least." [david] "well to us, it is. leave us alone about it. we'll come around to it when we come around to it. got it?" ted is officially my hero.

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While i was going over the walls with a microscope, figuratively speaking, i heard alex ask, "how do you know this isn't a waste of time?" "a waste of time?" i replied. "there's no such thing, especially when someone else is paying for it."

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The Odd place

Fucking waste of time.... this is my first fanfict so dont judge hard okei good.

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Chimera - Chapter 11

Damn it, to believe this lousy party wasn't a waste of time just for me." "oh, you say that, but you're not so terribly to be pitied." fabian smiled. "what do you mean?" "i wanted to wait before showing you this, but since you insist..."

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Introduction to Kattar

As much as he liked being clean, and his house neat, he greatly disliked the cleaning itself... such a waste of time to be honest.

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Don't Leave.

Those classes no longer a waste of time. i turn my head to hers so my cheek lies against her mouth and nose. i feel nothing. my hands interlock and begin to compress her chest, right over the solar plexus. i don't even think about what i do.

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Crimson Sands

A trial would be a waste of time and the council had other tasks to which they needed to attend. the silence was broken as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed down the hall and into the cells.

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Major Thomas Bishop bio.

When he finally graduated from high school at the young age of sixteen, his parents tried to send him to ucla to become a doctor or teacher but thomas declared college was a waste of time and effort of his skills.

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Day 19: Karma, Fun to watch, not to go through

My parents said that a psychology degree was a waste of time. not only do i make enough money to live comfortably for four generations, i can analyze people, and i know my way around mental manas .

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The one who makes me whole ch. 3

She wanted to argue that she is no longer his girlfriend but figured it would be a waste of time saying that and focused on handy's well-being.

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