He Doesn't Love You (unfinished)

**Original story by Foxpaws Zupe, rewritten in my style at his request...all else belongs solely to him!** **He Doesn't Love You (unfinished)** **words ©2007 Whyte Yoté** **story © unknown** **FEEDBACK always welcome to: ...

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Saki in November

[![avatar?user=119102&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=119102&character=0&clevel=2) Page](https://page.sofurry.com/ "Page") { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --\> ...

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The Toast

The coupe sped around the corner from Woodlawn onto 53rd, its rear end thrown out into a jerky drift by the slick roadway. It was the only sign of life at nine o'clock on a lazy April evening in otherwise roaring times. It skittered and screeched to a...

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Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. As such, it may contain content not suitable for some readers. If this kind of stuff squicks you, then go away. Otherwise, read and enjoy. FEEDBACK always welcome to:...

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The First Day of School

**FEEDBACK always welcome to: [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)** **_The First Day of School _ ©MMVIII Whyte Yoté** "...and so, if...

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Beneath the Surface

_No I'm not, I'm just tired,_ thought the raggedy-looking vulpine who was curled up into a little ball on an expensive rug in the living room of an upscale house out in the suburbs, out way too far for him to get back under his own power. But when he...

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A Labor of Love

Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. As such, it may contain material some of you might find objectionable. Thankfully, this isn't the usual type of fiction I do, so there isn't much objectionable unless you find ghosts not to your...

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Breaking News

Breaking News ©MMVIII WhyteYoté FEEDBACK always welcome to: [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Sharon was always so quiet after sex. It bothered Russell to have such a ponderous, abstract weight settle around them both,...

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Don't Spend Your Love on Me

Don't Spend Your Love on Me ©MMVIII Whyte Yoté I will say I love you when I don't mean it I will smile and blush when I'd rather reject you I will listen to your sadness, grateful it's not mine Don't spend your love on me I will...

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You Can't Teach a Gay Dog...

Author's Note: the following story is a work of furry fiction. Being such a deviant piece of literature, it may contain (May? It's chock-full!) depictions of sexual situations between characters of the same sex, sometimes dressed as the opposite sex,...

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A.I.: Automatonomic Intimacy

Author's Note: The following is a work of furry fiction, and is adult and pornorific in nature. If things like depression/angst, thoughts of implied suicide, robots, sex with robots, trans gendered robots, and sexy fox robots offend you, then just up...

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Saturday in the Park

Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. It may contain objectionable material including, but not limited to, acts of yiffery between furs of the same sex, different species, pedophilia, non-consent, and other stuff I can't think of...

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