Into the Horizon: Problems Revealed

Hello all. As promised, here is the next chapter of Horizon. This doesn't contain any yiff, but does contain attempted suicide. So, you have been warned. A special thinks to Dasher Cheetah whom assisted me with this...

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Into the Horizon: Recovery and Reflections

Hello everybody. Yep, Horizon is back. It took a little vacation and has returned. I can promise several interesting events to come. Let's just say I've changed my mind about the path of the story. As usual, I want to give...

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Into the Horizon: Rescue Part 2

Rescue Part 2 Bane sat on the bridge of his ship. Blaze had contacted them to inform him that Admiral Williams had been rescued. He had also been informed that Dasher had been wounded in the rescue and it looked grave...

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Into the Horizon: Rescue Part 1

Hello all, here's the next chapter. It's in two parts, the second part will come in a little while. As usual, 18 or above then enjoy. Rescue Part 1 Bane sat in his office at the central base. He had sent three of his...

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Through the Horizon: Sebastian Part 1

Sebastian Part 1 Dasher shook his head as Bane walked up to the transporter pad. Seamus, Ron and himself had already arrived at the transporter and were only awaiting their friend and lover. Bane smiled, seemingly pleased with himself. Seamus shook...

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Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part One

Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part One Bane groaned as the alarm clock sounded its usual morning wake up call. He reached over and switched it off, then rolled over and cuddled up closely with his fox. Seamus chuckled happily and a bit...

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The Dark: Chapter One

Greetings all, as promised here is chapter one of The Dark. A big thanks to Dasher Cheetah for being my editor, I couldn't write without him. This chapter has surprise gay buttsex in it so if you don't like it don't read it. All characters are...

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Through the Horizon: Healing 2

Through the Horizon: Healing 2 Ron smiled as he walked to his quarters, a jaunty bounce in his step. After a long day at work, Zander had messaged him and told him that he would come to Ron's rooms tonight to talk of something. The fox smiled and...

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Through the Horizon: Healing 1

Through the Horizon: Healing 1 Dasher sighed deeply and wearily; it had been such a long day. Bane had announced his plan two days ago, to wipe earth clean and start over again. The plan itself was top secret, only those who needed to know, actually...

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Through the Horizon: A Path Forward

Hello all, here is the next chapter of Through the Horizon. I have the next few chapters planned and I hope to get this one back into production as soon as possible. A big thanks to my editor \*coughs\* and co-author \*coughs\* Dasher Cheetah. There...

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Through the Horizon: Expansion and Revelations

Hello, the new chap is done. Huge thanks to Dasher Cheetah. He helped me out a lot with this one. Caution, this chapter starts me writing about a little cub sex into my story. If you don't like it then don't read it. ( Note: I know this is out of...

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The Dark: Chapter 2

A big thanks to Dasher Cheetah for being my editor, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. More to cum \*winks\* The Dark: Chapter 2 Zion packed up the contents of his hotel room, deep in thought as he did so. Today was the big day. The Horizon was...

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