Duel of Passion

The Leafeon crept through the forest, her eyes fixed on her prey. She was low and hidden in the tall grass, she listened to the light pitter patter of a Growlithe's feet, she grinned and knew she had him. "RAWR!" She roared pouncing from the grass at...

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Soaring Through the Rain

As night fell and mating season was finally in full swing Rainbow Dash and Soarin landed on the stadium field, laughing and teasing each other. "So how many times did you crash today?" Soarin joked as his wings retracted and he headed for the home...

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Good Kitty Kitty

Bethany smiled, as she walked down the hall, her tail swishing back and forth, her ass following the same motion, drawing the attention of every man or woman she passed. She grinned more devilishly as she listened to their whispers of wanting to fuck...

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A Different Kind of Work out

Diana quickly walked through the gym, heading straight for the treadmills for her early morning jog. She got on and turned it on, immediately starting at five miles per hour. She looked around the deserted gym seeing only a young giraffe woman near...

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Meeting with the Principal

Marcus stormed into the office, a scowl on his face. The receptionist yipped and caught his angered attention. "I'm here to talk to the principal. My dumbass son got in serious trouble. Now point me in the right direction." Marcus growled. The young...

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A Day at Naughty Beach

A sexy dragon slowly walked across the beach, her giant busty breasts bouncing with each step, firmly pressed to her chest by her tiny bikini top. She turned to her friend, giggling as she walked, adjusting her tight bikini bottom as it shifted just...

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An EMT to the Rescue

Greg and Jenna were walking through the park, laughing and talking about various things ranging from Greg's sex life, to Jenna's drama with other teachers. They talked and talked for hours. The sun had set and they began their walk back, deciding to...

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A Healthy Rivalry

Marcus walked down hall heading for the exit. As the sliding automatic doors opened, Jonathan stepped out from the side and joined him, resting his large arm on his fellow doctor's head. "Ok, brother." Jonathan started, "First threesome, Ménage à...

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Cancelled Class

Greg slowly walked down the hall, heading to his next class with the stunning Mrs. Fredricks. He turned the corner and saw her sitting alone reading an erotic novel in solitude. "Hello, Mrs. Fredricks." Greg said, immediately noticing her panties were...

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Job Security

Jenna exited her classroom, Kyle walking a full twenty feet in front of her, just as she had been instructing for the past few weeks she had been 'teaching' him after school. As he reached the side door to head home he turned back and waved at her,...

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Teacher's Pet

Jenna flipped through the papers, groaning as she read the answers her students had been giving on their test. She looked up and watched as the thirty young adults anxiously waited for the bell to ring and they could leave. "Class." She said, her head...

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Quiet as a Mouse

Diana groaned as she rested her head on her desk. She sighed and stood up, yawning as her petite body grew tired more and more. She shuffled down the hall, her pink nurse's scrubs seeming uncomfortable. She quickly headed into the nearest bunk room....

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