Natsuru and the Dino Posse Episode 3

Here's episode 3 of Natsuru and the Dino Posse. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natsuru the dragon was just sitting on the couch in the lair watching...

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Natsuru and the Dino Posse Episode 2

Heres the second episode .This story contains scenes of male on male action. If you don't like that sort of thing, then don't read. Also, I don't own the character Kane; but Natsuru is my own...

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Natsuru and the Dino Posse Episode 1

Hey everyone I'm back. This story is based on a show called Kung Fu Dino Posse, which sadly doesn't air anymore. I don't own any of the characters from that show, but the character Natsuru is owned by me. Without further ado...

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Yaoi Fangirls Unite

This was just a random thought I had in my head. All of the characters in this story are all mine. In an apartment in Sydney, Australia, woke a dingo. His name was Marck and wore a black sleeveless shirt and blue jeans. Along side him also woke a...

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Those Moments in the Forest

It was a very peaceful and sunny day in the forest, and all of the critters within it were going about their business. With hunting season years away from now, life was good for all of the forest animals, as Man wouldn't be there to terrorize them for...

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From Contempt to Love

"W-what...did you just say?" Those were the only words spoken that came from the yellow bunny's mouth. Ace Bunny stood naked and his face a slight scarlet red, as he stared into the emerald colored eyes of the lynx before. Just like the bunny before...

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"Come on, Haru; you have to meet him." Those were the words of the green dragon, Natsuru, as he was dragging his gryphon friend. The reptile was very excited about today, while the avian didn't look quite pleased. Haru was being dragged probably...

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Loonatics Unleashed: Beach Vacation Fun

This is request/gift for [![avatar?user=188894&character=0&clevel=2](]( about the Loonatic males enjoying a beach vacation for some sun, sand, surf,...

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Reunion With A Friend

_Story 3. Natsuru gets reunited with an old friend of his, and they get 'reacquainted'_ with each other at his home. Story, idea, and characters are all © by me....

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Vacational Lust: Another Side, Another Story

Wow, I'm surprised that I actually managed to finish this today. This is a side story to the first Vacational Lust fic. I wasn't really planning on writing a sort of sequel to this, but then an iead popped in my head, and i just went with it. I also...

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Vacational Lust

After seven long years of not seeing each other, the Freedom Fighters and the Loonatics reunite, as they spens a relaxing vacation in Hawaii, and other events also happen. Sonic the Hedgehog and its characters © SEGA/Sonic Team. Loonatics Unleashed and...

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Shower Time Fun

After a little training session, Natsuru and Lexi take a late night shower together, but get more 'dirtier', than clean. Loonatics Unleashed and it's characters belong to Warner Bros. Natsuru and this story belong to me. * * * Shower Time Fun By...

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