Take as Directed

Iron sighed as he kicked a pebble down the sidewalk, the brown coyote grumbling to himself. This whole week he was waiting for Friday to come so he could go to his favorite club that night. Instead, once he got there, it was closed for renovations and...

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Dimorphic Disaster

The streets were mostly deserted on a Memorial Day night, save for the usual homeless fur and late night driver on the road. No one could see the slim shape darting from shadow to shadow, before leaning about against a brick wall, checking outside the...

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Catching Up

**Catching Up** Bomba hummed to himself as he made the final adjustments in his small but quaint home. The spotted Dusky was planning on a special guest over tonight, someone he hadn't seen in years, and he certainly didn't want to disappoint. His...

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Relaxing a Collie

**Relaxing a Collie** "And this is the lab where you will be assisting me." The blue and white collie placed his hand on a scanner, the large metal door sliding open to reveal a large room of vats, computers, tables, bubbling concoctions, and pieces...

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Ottsel Rampage Revolution

**Ottsel Rampage Revolution!** "Come on bro! Come on! Hurry up and open it! I've been dying to play this all week!" A dark blue ottsel tossed a controller back and forth between his paws as he watched his brother struggle with the plastic wrapping...

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Fur Becomes Us - Chapter 1

**Fur Becomes Us - Chapter 1** A brown coyote leaned back into his chair, re-reading what he had just typed on the screen. Yeah, it was a bit short and to the point, but he had to get down the basic idea before it left his head. He could at least now...

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Fur Becomes Us - Prologue

**Fur Becomes Us - Prologue** **Author's Note:** _In all honesty, I feel this is probably the hardest thing I wrote. There are many different ways I could've taken it, how something could've been done or explained, and how something still doesn't...

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Test Subject A-3B

Test Subject A-3B The pounding in his head just wouldn't stop. On and on it felt like hammers were cracking into his skull, matching his heartbeat. Slowly, the brown and tan doberman opened his eyes to only see everything as a blur. Blinking, he...

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Changing Rooms

Changing Room Daf sighed as he went through his clothes drawer. Everything started to look faded or too old. Three wolf t-shirt? Way too 2001. He tossed that aside and looked around more, finding some stuff he hadn't worn since middle school buried...

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Macro March

Macro March Sero grunted as he made the final turns with his wrench on the final cog of his machine. He was still in the prototype stages of his experiment, but the payoff would be huge if he succeeded. He flicked a few switches, pulling down a lever...

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Room 105: 110%

**Room 105: 110%** "Come on Jeff! Push! Push! Get that bar up there you slacker!" A large brown bear shouted, standing behind and spotting a massively built tiger as he struggled to lift the 500 pound bar. He growled and huffed, his chest expanding...

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Room 105: Patient Jenny

**Room 105** **Patient File: Jenny** _Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!_ A white fuzzy hand shot out from the covers and slammed onto the alarm. A groan emitted from under the covers as a female bunny slowly woke up. She sighed and looked over at her...

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