Day 23 - Villain

You finally had him. The hero who had tormented you for your entire villanous career, who had foiled so many of your plans, Blink, was squirming in a tight rubber straightjacket, blinded and nulled by a thick rubber hood, sucking on a hose pushed into...

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Day 22 - Goo

"Good evening, Sol!" The plump goodra greeted, as the unusually large, fluffy absol came trotting in for his appointment. "Hihi, Dr. Goodra!" The Sol sang back, taking a seat and washing his paw as the goodra casually sauntered over to the couch...

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Day 21 - Snap

"Sheep? Sheep?" A voice droned to you. You... recognized this voice. You had heard it before. Who was talking? "Sheep. Sheep?" You jolted. You were standing, wearing nothing but an apron, being given a quizical look by a handsome blue...

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Day 20 - Possession

You were going over your checklist again. It was good for your anxiety about this date tonight. Smile. Laugh at his jokes. Smile. Don't fidget. Just keep your elbows on the table if you're nervous. Wait, is that rude? To put your elbows on the...

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Day 19 - Hacked

"Hey, 158! Got a moment?" Bhijn asked, trotting excitedly into your office and patting his hands on your desk. "For Bhijn, always!" You said, charming as ever. At least, Bhijn always seemed to act like you were charming. You appreciated that. ...

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Day 18 - Monster

The moon loomed over you, a tiny crescent sliver that draped you in darkness. It was cold, and the crunching of leaves under your boots was the only sound around for miles. Your lantern cast just enough light to guide your footing and create countless...

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Day 17 - Drone

Normally, you loved internet puzzles, ARGs, unsolved mysteries... you wouldn't call them an obsession, but... You had been staring at this page for about two hours. Two hours wasn't the longest, but... it wasn't as if you had nothing better to do,...

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Day 16 - Memory

You opened your eyes, suddenly very awake and slightly lightheaded. You were laying in bed. You... had no memory of how you got here. You didn't even remember where "here" was. No, it was... more than that. You didn't even remember who you...

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Day 15 - Serve

Matts, owner of the lure, liked to live humbly. A small city apartment, a bedroom for one, the like. Of course, he wasn't without his vices and luxuries, in moderation. Luxuries like his brainwashed sheep servant, Valentine. A handy acquisition...

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Day 14 - Tail

"So you're probably wondering why I called you in!" Nex said, curling his tail around and deploying a small spoon from the tip. You tried not to stare as he used the tiny spoon to stir his coffee mug. "Yessir." You answered, realizing you were...

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Day 13 - Artifact

A golden ring. That was all the dungeon had, the whole stinking dungeon. Just one golden ring. You kicked a rock and sent it tumbling off into the brush. You couldn't believe your luck. Where had you gone wrong? Your sources had told you it was...

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Day 12 - Plants

A flooded glade, filled with thick vines and bright pink flowers in various states of bloom. You looked around the outer edge of the sunken pit, chewing your lip as no path presented itself. No path except straight through. You thought back on the...

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