Bent over in the basement - A ladrania story

It was somewhere down in one of the university's basements and it took us nearly ten minutes to find it. the old badger got a key out from somewhere within his robes and unlocked the door leading to the laboratory.

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There's a Werewolf in Dad's Basement (Part 2)

An Eiji Otaka Creation & Collaboration with Soda Jerk Elusive Friendly Yeenwolf Writer Corrupted Transformation Architect The Summer Moon Festival This festival will leave you with fur and fangs. Kaden and his fellow werewolves looked at each...

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Wrestling With A Shark

I chuckled and led him to my home, a large 2 story house with a main floor, upstairs, and a basement to boot.

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When the Lights Go Out

Blackness was all she could see. Blood was all she could smell. Pain was all she could feel. Her ears twitched whenever she heard creeks from the heavy steps coming from upstairs. A single, dying lightbulb illuminated the room; it flickered at times...

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Of Whine and Roses

                Yeah, so one day I was downstairs jacking off to some porn. Mom and Dad had gone out for a while, and I figured since Daryl wasn't here, I'd entertain myself in my own special fashion. So you can imagine my chagrin when I heard the door...

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The Yoshi Mask

basements aren't always the first place you'd go into if you were bored. most other time, most people would rather be playing video games, drawing, writing or doing anything else than cleaning on out.

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Meet Me in My Basement (Patreon Extreme)

What might have been considered odd was that the basement doors near the backyard were wide open. double steel panels lead down a flight of concrete steps to the house's basement.

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Surprising Sleepover

The mother mouse was about to voice her annoyance at the fact that the girls were still up and playing around in the basement when she stopped in her tracks upon seeing the entirety of the basement.

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Caged Otter

# Prologue ## 5th of April, 4:30 AM ## Somewhere in Ezil * * * He was galvanized out of his slumber by a sharp pain flaring over his neck, burning his flesh and making him wince. It ached terribly, Nate assumed that he'd fallen asleep in an...

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Gooey Drops

Seth smiled to himself as he slipped into the basement, taking care not to wake up the other pets. he couldn't stand having them barking while he was visiting the denizens of his basement.

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The Only Way This Ends, Part 2

Given how little there was to do in the basement, rigging the tv was a devious punishment.

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