Chapter 1 - Chasing the Stars

"i love you too chakat starchaser." luna purred and hugged hir tight, cradling the chakat's head under hir own.

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chakat goldendale and francine belongs to bernard doove aka goldfur chakat walkerblack belongs to chris meadows all other characters part of the double h club belong to their respected owners.

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Corsi INC 35

The frail wolfox nova brought the hammer down onto the head of a charging chakat with a sickening crunch. the instantly dead chakat came tumbling onto him. he was pined under the dead weight of the even more dead chakat.

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Star's Tales chapter 6: Celebrations of life and love

However it wasn't a good thing that little starfield couldn't identify as a chakat, when shi grew up there would be problems that shi would need other chakats for.

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Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 4

Both chakats slowly got out of the bed again as dreamweaver rubbed hir flanks against gildedtongue. both chakats left the room as dreamweaver went to the bathroom and gildy went to the kitchen.

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A little higher up hir lower torso, the chakat's cock was still standing proudly at attention.

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Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 18

They are now in essence a chakat, fully functioning organs are all consistent with a chakat." the doctor looked at the combined being.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

"look alexis, i may have different standards then a typical chakat, but then i'm not a typical chakat. i would be honored to help you in this time of need.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 14

And sees a chakat there with a rabbit morph behind hir with a strange device on his head. the chakat asks. "are you chakat redstreak?" "yes." shi answers. the chakat smiles and nods to hir friend. flicks something on the head attachment.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

"look alexis, i may have different standards then a typical chakat, but then i'm not a typical chakat. i would be honored to help you in this time of need.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 7

Commander was a chakat from the name. shi heads over to the office and there shi finds a chakat in a security uniform with lt commander's pips and a female gray furred foxtaur. shi goes and salutes the chakat.

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