New Planet

"at 0200 yesterday, two beams of light flew from the wormhole contruction workers were deconstructing. this is a sign that two being entered from the wormhole.

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The Creed: Introduction

I took the opportunity of his distraction to deliver what at that age was considered a very hard pu- the world deconstructed again, and things started to come back to me.

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A happy family for her first meal, a priest for her second, it was like being deconstructed bit by bit, showing me the kind of monster i was. a month out, i couldn't face my minders, not with what i knew i was.

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Return of herm ideology + Bigpip and the candy factory

One thing they weren't able fetch out of the water, were the wood fueled generators, harmonious percussion hed to deconstruct those. then they decided to check if the transport whicle hed any fuel which it did not, since it wasn't ment to be used yet.

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End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 08

The trio are cleaning up their weapons, deconstructing and taking them apart, making sure everything is in good shape and then rebuild them. nobody's talking, the only noises that you can hear are the cleaning tools used and the ticking of the clock.

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The Mechanic's Revenge

In her quest to stay pure and true only to flesh and blood males, marian decides to take a little revenge on a robotic mare that comes into her shop for repairs, but as she goes about deconstructing it, she begins to feel pity on the model for the fact that

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He Who Would be Master: Chapter 10

It has been named, deconstructed and rebuilt a hundred times over. it is easy to forget what is underneath all that, and what was here first. turn the coin around, and perhaps you expect a monument to human ingenuity and togetherness.


Grant's Rampage 1.1

He's sitting alone near the window eating what looking like a deconstructed noodle soup with croutons. the tall, muscular figure of corporal david brinks takes grant's breath away, heart pumping hard in his chest.

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Resistance is Futile

Everywhere the wave of black moved was deconstructed and remade as a lustrous black material as the nanobots assimilated spread from the point of impact.

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Midway pt. 11 Lost Loyal

Santo - no, but after i figure out how to deconstruct and reconstruct it maybe i'll make something even better par- your quite the renaissance man aren't you santo- you flatter me par- should i stop santo- by all means continue, it'll be

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To love a big cat

The kitty was briefly strangled by the neck of his shirt before the seams of his clothing popped apart, fraying and deconstructing as it was forced outwards from his swelling form.

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Digital Toys

The numbness was his own flesh being painlessly deconstructed, only to be replaced by thick rubber latex.

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