Meeting the Hero

Mine disowned me outright." "i'm so sorry." cody waved off playfully. "nah, it's cool." chase's phone rang, much to cody's dismay. "aw, sorry if i'm taking ya time." "it's okay. wanna give me your number?"

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7. Heaven (100 Theme Challenge)

She said i would've been disowned by you if i wasn't like you. but...i hope you'll be happy to know that i love running; i feel this...this freedom, you know? i'm sure you would understand.

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Matheau and Beijore XXIII:: Family meeting

"that is for even thinking the idea of disowning our daughter. and you......" she turned her burning gaze on sasha, moving to her as quick as the wind.

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 5 (Seigi)

They disowned me, kausn. they burned all of my belongings. i have no place to go. they don't love me anymore." i felt my crying start to subside, but i still looked like a wreck. "i still love you seigi.

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Regrettable Circumstances: Ep.2 Pt.1

"my mom lives on the east coast, my dad disowned me when i backed into his mustang, uh, grandparents'r dead. cousins are all shits so _i_ disowned _them_, and that's pretty much it." "wow, your dad disowned you over a _damn car_?" "yep, you bet he did.

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Blossoming Friendship - A Hard Weekend

"so, your mother really wants to disown emir?" ma'alikah asked as she and her husband walked down stairs. "yes; do you think he's scared or worried?" rashid asked.

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Bound to please - Vol 18: Stallion's Toy

But instead, you defied him, and ended up disowned, enslaved, and with your father's baby in your belly.

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The Gift

I mean sure we've hit our rough patches along the road such as the whole my family disowning me, due to the fact i am gay and was prepared to marry another guy.

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Williamtown to Melbourne. A new friend

"thanks, my parents disowned me when i came out, but my grandmother felt sorry for me.

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A New Home

His parents did disown him, but they also took care of him when he needed them...but not this time...he needs them now, but they pushed him away; they abandoned him when he needed them most.

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disown me? if that happened, where could i go? word would spread pretty fast that i got disowned by the best mercenary group this half of the kingdom has to offer.

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S2 Ep21 Saving Gaia pt2

The opal sisters were disowned and that they had to work their ways back up to the top.

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