
The draolf was quite clearly up to something, but spikes wasn't sure just what it was yet as his frame writhed and twisted forward.

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A Moment

Devoid of a bowl, the mess just dumped right into the funnel with a rather disturbing _glorp_ before sliding slowly down towards the draolf.

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Bits of drool and food fell from the draolf's jaws as he loomed over rowan, though the river otter couldn't feel the fat of the draolf anywhere against him...

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Extracurricular Credit

Unfortunately for the draolf, his assistance's observations went in one ear and out the other.

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Shopping is Better With Friends

The draolf seemed to follow suit as well, his massive bulge idly grinding against the eastern's tail as it swished about. the more kaji kept bodily contact, the more the two would continue to grow.

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That would probably fall to sasuke, though, if the draolf cared enough about what it was.

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Sudden Cake

The draolf put his paw against the wall, running his digits along it slowly as he seemed to just study the words which the wall contained. the draolf leaned down and squinted, mumbling to himself as krasus came waddling over to stand beside sasuke.

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The Big One (Idea/Gift for Kaji

Kaji breathed a silent sigh of relief, glad that the horse hadn't figured out what the draolf was doing. at least, not yet.

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[Com] Frotting in Traffic [Story]

Kaji hadn't expected the wuffamute to show up when the draolf had originally began growing.

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Let it Snow

"let it snow~ let it snow~ let it snow~" hummed the draolf as he strolled over towards tsuchi. a devious grin was being worn on the draolf's muzzle as he leaned down and kissed tsuchi's forehead a bit. "happy brithday, ya old mutt."

Feeding Time

Old habits broke hard, and acquired tastes were even harder to break as the draolf had discovered.

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Going wide-eyed behind cheeks which limited his vision, the draolf just looked on in shock at his frame. no more jolts came though, but in their place the draolf began to feel hot. this wasn't just a fever of heat either, it was something more...

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