Battle Fur Freedom - Chapter One: Thieves and Flags

Suddenly, he started running at super speed, running up the side of the wall, grabbing the flag and heading back to home base, all while leaving a trail of flame behind. bentley radioed sly "sly, sly! hurry up and get that flag!

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"The Best Their Is . . ." Page 1

The camera pans over to show the patriot attacking the bulldog again with the american flag by forcing the flag into davey's stomach the patriot then turns his attention to bret hart and starts attacking hart with the flag.

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Standard Bearer

Thoremur bellowed loudly as he followed his commander by raising the flag of his race as high as he could. his actions were followed by a loud roar, their opponents flag also coming up.

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A Herd for the Vagabonds

Under the layers of dirt and grime, the little grey stallion smelled of the humble scent of the blue flag flower. blue flag's hooves found poor purchase in the loose scree as he battled his way up the side of the rocky slope.

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Halo -chapter 4

Seth reached the wall of text and read aloud: "today's exercise is a game; capture the flag. the red flag behind you is your flag; you must prevent the blue team from getting it while getting their flag as well.

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Red vs Blue episode 4

" they didn't tell us anything about a flag. why is it so important?" the lizard asked. " because it's the flag, man, you know, it's the f... it's the flag, it's... tucker, you tell him why the flag is so important." church said at loss of words.

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Let's Greece It Up

He gets into the water and races for his first flag.

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Mist and Shadow (chapter 1)

"everything is against me here and as long as they're kidguarding i'll never get close enough to the flag.." i had a thought then. what if i could make the flag come to me.

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Second Chances - Chapter 17

"where did you get the flag?" i asked. "oh, it's mine. doesn't everyone have one of these?" xexis shifted the flag and peeked at their phone. "shit! we were supposed to start fifteen minutes ago.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 9

Hakuzo began to recount the tale as the members of the wolf team arrive with their flag. the flag holder saw that hakuzo already arrived with the wolf flag and practically threw down the fox flag in anger.

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Werewulf part 5

"didn't you place the flag?" kyle asked, still confused on how it was all set up, "there were a ton of lanterns like dangling from the tree and...wait a minute, if you placed the flag then you knew where yours was!"

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Earth's New Masters Part 11 Not Just A Useless Feral

I started to backtrack towards our flag thinking that i could ambush him in the narrow section that led to our flag. i was far enough ahead that he couldn't see me so i sprinted back toward our flag.

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