Chapter Three: Explained Extractions, Unknown Reasons (edit 2/13/2015)

Could you tell me how you sensed the emotional aspect of the link the magic flux left behind?"

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The Lonely Dragon, Part 1

She was pleased when she found out my "flux" was flowing, and taught me how to control and direct it, and explained its many uses. i didn't "smoke" all of the time, but any time i wanted i could ignite the flux and use it.

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Everwinter Ch4: Tower of silence

Wisps of magic formed in the air and colorful crackles could be seen as the flux began to eat away at the aetheric armor.

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Everwinter Ch30: Out of Hiding

The flux surged into his head, and his mind fizzled like a candle in the wind. flux began to seep out of his corpse but the tendrils held him in place as a dummy. i stepped up behind the now lifeless body, and glanced into the room.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 68

#69 of phoenix coven - book 1 chapter 68 liberation of the azure flux cailus stood on the command deck of the _azure flux_ train, looking over the external monitors with bruce norman, eric cardigan, and a few of the merc band leaders he hired.

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Furnace of Stars, part 3

And the emotional flux, but with how few implants you have that shouldn't be a dealbreaker," he added, taking a deep breath to balance out how fast he was talking, as if he just wanted to be done with it. i got up with no issues.

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Mizalin-on-Sky: The Floating Mountains

The flux lines are very unstable today because of some atmospheric activity, or so i heard from one of the aircrew? but no matter, for since you are all fledglings now, you can just fly." "oh, yes, oh _yes_!"

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Jaydi - An Origin Story

Yet he yearns, oh how he yearns in spite of himself; truly no one is ever happy with their own body.but enough about him, for now at least, for there are many souls who come into dark flux.

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13- Into the Nothing

He didn't blow up, and when zapras revived him, he was free of the flux. he kept supernova, but never had an issue afterwards." rose went wide eyed. "kara and sithris! supernova was emotionally triggered, right?

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Prologue: Rise and Fall (edit: 3/26/2015)

Twilight sparkle appears to have been struck by a powerful magic flux that gives strong signs of connection to the appearance of an armed but unarmored human.

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"flux coupler." olivia fished about the toolkit, her bobtail flicking. the filled water bottle attached to her belt sloshing a bit. "why a 'flux' coupler?" "i need to synchronize the power flow," was all alabaster said. on his back.

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