1:32 Worlds Apart

"what hets told you, all of it, i really hope you don't think it's true." alias rolled his eyes at the notion. "the day i believe xen hets on _anything_ is the day i just need to hang up my guns and call it quits." "you know i'd never sell you out.

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1:28 Promise

"hets," jenna replied folding her arms, her head shaking in disapproval, "you're going after hets tonight." she sighed in exasperation. "why, alias?" "i had to!" alias shot back hotly, becoming defensive. "it was the only way!"

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1:17 Blackwell

Alias knew that if he could get in touch with this person, he could start a fire big enough that hets would be forced to look the other way. if all went well, he'd just drop jenna off, and alias would move a few spots down hets's "to kill" list.

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1:11 Split Decision

Not in fear of hets at least. then the van doors open. a silhouette from each door stepped out and in front of the van's headlights.

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1:23 Heart Of The Beholder

hets may let jenna go without too much fuss, but hets was sure not to forget about alias. alias had brought this on himself. for better or worse, it was his choice to make.

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Poetry Commission - Switch

Tom, dit gedicht is voor jou, voor het geschenk dat jij mij hebt gegeven, en het leven dat ik wil delen met jou. bradley. there once were two souls, broken and full of grief.

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Azerite Language Notes

Krak-het-rak = disgraced by a god - usually scarred in some way. gods and the titles.


2:6 The Messenger

hets?" the cackling laugher from the shadow player echoed in his mind. _xen who?_ he remembered the menacing voice asking as if he were a moron. _you truly have no idea, do you?_ the mink shook his head gravely. "not hets." he replied desperately.

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3:3 “The Little Death”

hets wanted jenna for ransom against her father, and alias was the means by which he apprehended her. mick didn't know for sure, but he had a good guess at why.

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Our Life Chapter 2 - Can't Stand It!

She would cry and cry and cry if she didn't het her way. if she did nap she would only for about ten minutes and then get hungrey. when 7:30 pm came i was so tired. tom would get up with her while i slept.

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Windfall: Wrapping Up

_\>\>_Physical copies: [http://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=798](http://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=798) E-book: [http://baddogbooks.com/?product=windfall](http://baddogbooks.com/?product=windfall) _\<\<_ Windfall: Wrapping Up By...

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Dragon Love part 1: The meating

It took sevril months to het to his homeland but when he got there and looked he couldn't find one that didn't have a mate.
