Distrust CH1: The Beginning

As for him, he was just okay with doing housework like his parents had him accustomed to. he didn't mind, but sometimes he wished he could be better. he shook his head and begun to get dressed as he planned to get the day going.

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Aftermath Of A Bad Day

The sand furred man was supposed to do some housework that day, but he couldn't bring himself to step away from the gripping tale. he knew he'd get his ear chewed off once his mate got home, but it was probably fine. thomas was never angry for too long.

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No Rest for the Weary

Because zilarin was spending so much of her time working long hours in the medical centre, galon was doing the heavy lifting when it came to housework and parenting, but he somehow also found the time to do part-time work helping out with auditing their clan's

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Drac Ch19

'lots of housework, single mother, pretty much what you'd expect. how about you though? your job must be either very strenuous or very easy if you can manage to be as strong as you are.' 'fantastic.' dienza shook his head.

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Wind Bourne Destiny: Part three&four; Capitivity.

Then there is the lowest; black totally used up or having some kind of disease, usually only used for housework if there clean or for slave labor if they have disease.

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Feral's Journal

I did every thing i could to distract myself; did housework, worked on my vehicle, watched tv, did bills, took multiple showers, masturbated like mad but that made it worse. by four o'clock i was going crazy. i finally dared to call the garage.

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A Treat Sweeter Than Candy

An elderly couple owned the next house that she knew pretty well, as she helped them out with their housework occasionally. she walked up to them on their porch, greeting them with a smile. this time i wasn't going to stand in the street like a fool.

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Day of Reckoning

It could be help with housework or travel support for example." "okay. it shouldn't be evident to follow as pace." "sometimes yes, but it pays well." "i don't have any doubt. but as a result, how did you do to travel until here?"

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It would take eighteen months to train the idiot to walk, obey, talk, and do housework. and serve its owners, uh, personal wishes too.

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The Off-Season

By the end of the summer, he was healthy enough to take care of most of the housework while my mother was working.

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Hired by another tiger--a bengal--he washes the dishes, does the housework, and everything else on the side. he's not necessarily one of those call-in maids that you can hire every week, either. he lives in an apartment with this fellow tiger.

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Differentials: Part 3 - A New Home

"once you get one you can tell the guys at work to bugger off, and i could definitely use more hands to do the housework. and the garden is getting pretty messy as well."

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