Comfort Me

**A/N:** Direct port from FanFiction (dot) net. Enjoy, and as always, review if you've got something to say. Inspired by Guide You Home (I Would Die For You), played in the credits of DotD. **Comfort Me** By: Glek "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! IT'S NOT MY...

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Killed in an Instant

"Can I have another piece of pie, momma." Those were the last words my son ever said to me. He died at the age of 17. I had just made some apple pie and Nova cut him a slice and sat down and ate the whole slice, that's when he...

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Enduring Love Chapter One

(Kyle) I had slipped out of my room to use the gay teen chat and see if I could find a boyfriend locally In the dim light of the computer screen I watched the text of the chat room scroll by. The small clock on the bottom of the screen showed 1:00am...

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Enduring Love Prologue

Kyle is my name. The events in this story will be hard to type and updates might be sporadic. However I will do my best to tell my story. I hope my story will help you realize that it doesn't matter how hard you fall or how much pain you are in. There...

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From Fire to Frienship

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pokemon and many of the places discribed in the story. They are the sole property of Nintendo. All original characters, however, are mine. Please do not use them without my permission. Any relation of the characters...

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Are you here, To pick up the pieces? Or are you here, To create more? Because I can tell you Right now, That I am far from perfect And i just want to warn you What you're getting yourself into Insecurity, Jealousy I can guarantee you those...

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Going Home p. 30-60

Sometimes it hurts and i like it." he touched the bandage. he stroked it with two fingers. not hard, but he wanted to go harder. it felt like silk. dangerous feeling. he shut his eyes and gave a low, longing moan. "ohh, no.

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Going Home p. 1-30

Voice hurts." "oh, yeah," bela said. he looked down at the cloth, then up again. "'course it does. all right, ana, but please don't leave us." ana nodded. he closed his eyes. bela talked to him.

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Always Here For You

Just a story that i thought of while hurting in my room. it's not based on true events or anything, just me venting. hope you enjoy zack sat at his kitchen table reviewing notes for his music class at grainger high.

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Lost in Hell

?\> .0-'` +bjbj$$ .FF+ [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)$$ He sat thinking of anyway to ease his pain. He knew he was being childish, that his life wasnt really that bad. Other furs had it worse. HE didnt care. He picked up the...

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A new discovery

I'll do everything in my power to make sure no one hurts you like that again." nick said in a reassuring voice. kyla looked up at nick, still crying. nick smiled a little and kissed her forehead, causing her to blush a little.

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The Evils of Truth and Love: Making Decisions

**A Quick Note:** For all those who have not seen Movie 5 and who do watch the anime, there are two Bianca characters. One is a rival in the anime, the other is exclusive to Movie 5. Hopefully this clears up any confusion in that regard (I know there...

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