Grentail Manor Chapter 2

The monitor made to open the door, but stopped when madam said "wait just a moment." there was a flash of pink light, and a grey ring with a little speaker appeared in midair in front of susila. the monitor blinked, taking the ring. "what's this for?"

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Kairn - Chapter 1

Kairn advanced, planting his foot in the monitor's groin, making sure to dig his claws in. a loud yelp and some additional hits to the head soon welcomed the monitor to the cold embrace of the floor.

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Of Warlords and Pleasures: Ublaz Mad Eyes

Grath felt two strong sets of claws grab her ankles, and stumbled, slaying two monitors with her outstretched trident. another lizard tackled her around the waist and she fell.

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Hunted - Part One: The Crash

Standing up, he keeps a keen eye on the monitors in front of him: as he slowly rises, so do the monitors. taken by surprise, he instinctively moves back before realizing the monitor isn't doing anything more.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 18

His hemipenes were already out, and the giant lizard was ready to insert himself into the monitor. gila got on his paws and knees and crawled towards the monitor, panting slowly and getting in the monitor's face.

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Lizards of War (Chapter 1)

The monitor lizard points to chase. "who me?" chase questioned the monitor lizard pointing at himself. "yes." the monitor replied. chase gets up and heads toward the front of the room and sits next to the beardie that got called up before. "you."

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Leo and Vitt chapter 03 - A grand day out

Vittel nodded and followed the monitor, as the hyena pawed at the lion's ass. the monitor directed them to a truck and climbed the stairs, while the other people set the flashes and the cameras.

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It Never Goes Smoothly

Only the monitor that had attacked him earlier dared get near shekhar. sheathing his sword in a similar unnoticeable motion as he had drawn it and attacked, the falcon turned to face the monitor.

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The strange summer camp

They all went to camp and the monitors spent list to the children, while the little bus was gone and the driver was promised to return in 4 days. the monitors are called norman, terry and jesse.

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Close Encounter

Kay watched the monitors. one looked to be video recording, and kay could see how big he was getting. the other monitor looked like an ultra sound, but kay couldn't figure out how many cubs were growing in him. "how many cubs am i having?" kay asked.

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Spunk Points

Easy to monitor and easy to test. here, um..." she double-clicked on a video file. "let me show you." the nidoqueen leaned closer to the monitor, watching as the video began to play.

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* * * from: multiversal head to: universal monitoring bcc: ouc-18 subject: you screwed up big time what in the bloody hell are you thinking?!?!

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