Sleepover Saturday pt1.2

David said before giggling, "i know, i got kicked in the head......moron" granite moaned "i wanna go to bed" "jeez, stop being such a puppy!"

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My Hope, My Love.

. :) my hope, my love by dominius i was alone and hopeless, i thought i was crazy moron, whom was unable to be loved. "whats wrong with me." i thought everyday, everynight as i lay down. i've had crushes. i've had boyfriends.

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End Game - Chapter 27 - A Choice

Don't treat meet like some brain dead moron!" mimi stomped her foot. "what kind of moron should i regard you as?" izzy asked coolly. "you insensitive creep!" "whiny princess!" "computer geek!" "stuck up witch!"

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Clean Break: Chapter III

Naska was a moron for deciding to live there. she decided to pay him a visit. it was unsafe and sherra knew it, but she stayed out past dark that evening, making her way beyond the streets controlled by the matron.

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He Loves You

Fucking moron. i sip at the vanilla shake that i panic-ordered as i realized i was paying more attention to the jaguar's breathing patterns than the actual menu. he looks around.

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You some kinda moron?" "moron?

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The Search is Over-Chapter 33

Are you becoming a moron now?" she formed a twisted grin on her snout, "well you did hit your head so hard on the ground, so i can bet you are a moron now." then she drew back her head and laughed. her laughter echoed the chamber.

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My Hope, My Love.

. <3 my hope, my love by dominius i was alone and hopeless, i thought i was crazy moron, whom was unable to be loved. "whats wrong with me." i thought everyday, everynight as i lay down. i've had crushes. i've had boyfriends.

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TheFurryParable Ch.5

Stop breaking the fourth wall you moron! just go to the left door and be done with it! "hmmphh... alright." \*danny begrudgingly walked to the left door and opened it.\* thank you danny. now let's continue the story shall we? now.......


Chapter 6 - Howdy Partner.

moron. soon as his flesh touches mine, i hit him with my swollen tongue gift. this should prove interesting on mr tall dark and smelly. i resist the urge to run around the table as i move around behind dyson.

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Recon gone to hell...Prologue/ Chapter 0.5

"you stupid moron why did you open fire?!?" damien asked him with a pissed off tone, foxtrot giggled a bit and grins. "the first one to strike and wipe the enemy out faster is victor."

Drac Ch1

'what are you, a moron?' the driver growled. 'hurry up!' 'relax, will you?' dienza shook his head and scoffed. 'fine i'll do it now. come get it.'

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