The Immune [Pokerus Outbreak]

For example, brock had become a female ninetails, misty became a psyduck, koga became an ekans to name a few. once the gym leaders in kanto became infected, most gyms were banned in other regions.

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the cute and rare eevee pt2

Help from vulpix, and it had learned growl from growlithe and absol. 5 months past and i put there leads on, i waited for them to get use to them, the growlithe bit and chewed his, same as poochyena, the eevee and vulpix sniffed and took to it like psyduck's

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No Light to be Seen: Chapter 2

Next you'll tell me that psyduck's can fly... strange that she complains though cause i felt (and heard) her getting off at least three times in the twenty-five minutes that we been down here.

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 2: The Meeting(That changed my life)

The creature took off through the trees & there was no way in a psyduck's headache that i was letting it escape my gratitude.

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A Date To Remeber

"keep it down out there," said the sleepy-eyed psyduck. looking around, he pulled out his schedule. totodile was hoping his idea for a trip to sootopolis will help vulpix remember him. he just had to walk down the hallway to her room.

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Haunted Hypno #1: Beginnings

His mom told him to never ever break through the canopy, he'd be a sitting psyduck for all sorts of flying pokémon. he was jealous though, he's always wanted to go up there too.

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Pokemon Defenders: Shipwrecked

Phyle, trent's psyduck, appeared on the field, his face fixed in his usual clueless look. chuckles and awns came from the crowd, but trent ignored them.

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Sorrow and Joy (Chapter Two)

Ardi, jake, spark, vula, and alex laughed as ardi finished a joke about a psyduck and a pikachu. kyler meanwhile was walking the perimiter of the camp, looking for blind spots and other stuff.

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Journey to Another World ch107

Pikachu, clefairy, psyduck, pachirisu, happiny, buneary, and drifloon were just a few of the ones that he mentioned that would allow me entry to the park.

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The Lifetimes of Max and Mina the Fox Chapter 1: The Meeting

"oh you are one lucky psyduck my friend." he continued, chuckling at my confused face. "it appears that mina has chosen you, of all people." "chosen me for what?"

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 1

Jubilation lee (marvel) kim possible (disney) kitty pryde (marvel) klonoa (klonoa) kovu (disney) mattimeo (redwall) may (has torchic [please select sex], pokemon) michelle (once upon a forest) miles "tails" prower (sonic the hedgehog) misty (has psyduck

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The Pokémon Journey -- the Battle at the Cerulean Gym

"are you the psyduck you used to be? or are you a golduck! get back in there and fight!" "golduck, golduck, golduck!" said golduck. he empathically transmitted his fear to misty.

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