Rapid Self Evolution Pt 2: The Eggining

Pt. 2 of rapid self evolution, enjoy! having made his way safely into the woods, he carefully stalked deeper into them trying to remain as stealthy as possible to avoid being found by that group of humans.

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Bump in the Night

Mika worked hard at her job. She didn't mind the leering or the whistling, in fact, she encouraged it. It was kind of part of the whole package when you worked in a strip club. But this particular club had a bit of a twist. It was called 'Bump in the...

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A Divine Jog

The additions to her figure grew rapidly and crowded her original pair for space, until all eight of her peaks bounced with her rolling hips and leaked her ivory bounty.

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Cant get enough of that Sunnet

Probably not~ content warning: this story is intended for mature readers and contains a female giraffe, a lioness, size differences, rapid weight gain, spherical growth, harmless destruction, macro growth and beyondgood day everyone, i hope yall are doing

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Frosty Loops - Chapter 7: "Chocolate Frosty"

"I don't know what you're dreaming about in there, but it must be _really saucy."_ An orange-red rune...

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Process Overflow

Whether due to the mixture or a strange act biology, his body reacted to the influx of calories and rapidly metabolized it.

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Caloric Comeuppance

A soft groan tumbled from Dack's muzzle as her consciousness gracelessly returned. Her head throbbed as she stirred from an unwelcome sleep, and she raised a paw to rub the pounding from her temples. A metallic clang stopped her cold and clattered...

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Keeping The Forest Happy

"Thanks for the good time..." A loud \*shlick\* filled a clearing within a forest small enough to be a manor's backyard unattended by a ground's keeper, separated by a rocky terrain where humans were camped out waiting for some adventure to drift by....

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Three for the Roadie

Kay tossed the last of the drum crates up into the semi where the other roadies where stowing and securing the last of the band's equipment. Kay had been the head roadie for Jack Taggart (lead singer and guitarist for the rock band 'Animus') for a...

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The Fertility Idol

You groan at the wonderful sensation, your skin stretching and growing as your fecund middle rapidly expands, now four feet wide. you're given no reprieve as another pulse rushes through you, your belly reaching six feet wide!

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Half n' Half

Half 'n Half By Zatarra L. Vulpe "Say, would you mind if I had a drink?" Nick just looked at the guy. The guy was too formal, wearing a tux and hair slicked back, silken red gloves over his hands and matching sunglasses, at night. Nick was in his...

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Dolphin's Haul (Art+Story)

Being physically transformed into her desired gender had been such a rush on its own... but in her excitement, perhaps she had gotten ahead of herself in how eagerly she wished for the blessings of motherhood to go along with it. In particular, she...

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