A Dream Realized 6

#6 of a dream realized trying a different way of writing.

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A Dream Realized 5

#5 of a dream realized when john woke up the next morning, it was to a slight weight on his chest. looking down he realized that during the night, mist had crawled up onto his chest and curled into a ball.

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A Dream Realized 4

#4 of a dream realized mist shoved her way out of john's hands and dropped to the ground as he straightened. just ahead of them on the path was a buizel. both john and rose froze, their pokemon stepping in front of them.

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A Dream Realized 3

#3 of a dream realized after john had returned home from his visit with rose he had finished feeding the pokemon and cleaning out the shed that was put up to offer shelter. the whole time he was working though, mist was by his side.

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A Dream Realized 2

He frowned slightly before realizing what it could mean and without a second thought dropped the bag in his hand and dashed for the house.

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Changleing Heart: Realization

Week 2: Day 2-Night I just sat there on the floor, looking right at not only the Changeling Queen, but also Saki's mother. The information she just gave us...shocked me beyond anything I could ever think. She was claiming that my father was a...

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Rewriting Reality (Realization)

#4 of rewriting reality kurt realizes the true power of the pen that jirachi had given him, and decides to use it for his friends...

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Sins of the Fathers (Original-Revised)

The other donkeys moved in unison to lift up ben off the ground as he his struggling ceased, maybe realized the hopelessness of his situation and decided to let what was to happen, happen.

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[Karma's Fate] - New Beginning (Chpt. 5)

Mark and I just stayed there for a while until the nurse told him visiting hours were over. He picked me up and put me in the hospital bed. He told me he'd promise to pick me up tomorrow early and we'd get breakfast. I gave him one last kiss good-bye...

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The Western Cube 7

She realized, belatedly, that they were approximately the same size as greene's hands would have been in her holographic form.

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Bearing the Bed

I am your loving mate, and i can't wait when you finally realize, that we can be together, in loving arms. i just hope the time comes when you do realize that i love you, you love me and that i'm ready to give you my loving body as you should to me.

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How Pleasure Should Work

_this is really important,_ she realized. _he really wants me to get this.

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