A City Boy and A Country Girl (5)

It was early May now, and the woods were in full bloom. Sarah was sitting in the passenger seat of her mother's car and staring out the window. Everything was so green, but it was summer after all. Sarah could hear the radio faintly, and she smiled...

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A City Boy and A Country Girl (4)

4 It was a beautiful day to have a bake sale, and the library had rented out a bouncy house for the children to play in while the parents bought the goodies or donated money. The library was inside an old building. It had been built in the late 1800s...

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Teacher's Pet

History. Ironically, it's one of the most boring classes in history, and yet, it's taught at every grade level--even in college, and sometimes the teachers even teach the same information over and over again. For Krystal, the class she was in now was...

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A City Boy and A Country Girl (1)

_1_ _What is that beeping noise?_ Sarah slowly opened her eyes to see the sun shining in through her bedroom window. Her eyes felt heavy, but she knew she had slept enough, because six hours is enough for any teenager of course. She turned her head...

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A City Boy and A Country Girl (3)

3 Half an hour had passed since he went to sleep. She couldn't lay there anymore. ~I have to get up!~ She moved her body away from his very slowly, because she didn't want to wake him up. She managed to get out of the bed without so much as a twitch...

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A City Boy and A Country Girl (2)

2 Sarah had moved back into the lab portion of the classroom where there were tables lined up in rows with built in sinks and drawers for supplies. They were very old, and if someone was to actually lean on them too hard, they could possibly break....

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Mother Knows Best

Leo awoke with a jolt, snapping his eyes open so quickly that the room began to spin in protest. His alarm was ringing next to his head, screaming that the day was beginning. Leo let out a sigh, relaxing back onto his bed as he listened to the wailing...

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A Night to Remember -Commission-

Letting out a sigh of relief, Cherokee Bluefeather pulled her car into the parking lot, watching as the red light from the neon signs above illuminated her hood. She was stressed and worn out, even slightly fatigued, but she quickly got out of her car,...

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Trust me, I know that I was a very sexual person when I was younger. I mean, you read it. I mated my dog and my father more times than I can remember, but believe it or not, there was a peak. There was a point when I truly understood how addicted I was...

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Mixing Pleasure with Business

"Here's your mail Mr. Grant." Angel said cheerfully, walking into her boss's office. Angelica could never stop looking at the handsome dragon before her. She loved watching his muscles tense under his suit as he moved, and she also loved begging him...

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Mixing Business with Pleasure

"Take a deep breath." Angelica whispered, gripping the porcelain countertop. She was in the restroom, feeling her heart racing one hundred miles per minute, knocking and pounding against her chest, but she didn't really know why she was so nervous. It...

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It seemed really weird to wake up before noon, but there I was with my eyes wide open, listening to the morning birds chirping outside my window. I glanced over at the clock by my bed, and I really couldn't believe that it was only eight. Why was I...

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