The Fox General: Twin Spots

taj looked completely disinterested, opting to sharpen her sword instead of taking part.

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The Fox General: March on Vulpezzia

I began to isolate myself at night, smoking a much needed pipe of opium to steady my nerves and enjoying the soft embraces of galip and taj.

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The Fox General: Marco's Free Kingdom

I asked and taj nudged me sharply in the ribs. "right, right, i forgot. he, uh, he took his pants off a few times to save me, made me forget he had someone waiting for him back home."

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India: A River-Crossin' Adventure

"route info: drive a cab to the taj mahal." griffin reads. everyone gets in their own cab and starts driving towards the taj mahal. \*\*\* the policefurs, twins, and vegetarians make it there first. deedee gets to the clue box first and reads it.

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The Fox General: Connecting the Spots

You'll wake taj up!" i hissed. he bit his lip nervously, shaking as he eyed taj fearfully. smiling, i reached up and patted him on the head, giving him a quick nuzzle against the neck. his tail thumped happily against a dresser behind him.

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The Fox General: Chilled Poultry

You will stay there alone, no slaves and no taj." "taj..." i whispered, "...she could help." "not a chance," livio snorted, "that vixen is trouble. no offense, marco, but she's uh...dear, what'd you call it?" "an enabler!"

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The Fox General: Rule by Decree

A field of short grass littered in hoof-prints left by taj's horse unfurled before me as i proudly marched up to my palace.

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The Fox Imperator

I suspect father did not love taj either. he just loved that she would enable all of his worst behavior. mother told me that taj did not love father either, but mother has her own biases. here i am, clemens.

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The Fox General: Reunion

"not married, but i certainly took one as my paramour, or perhaps she took me as hers," my tail went limp at the thought of taj. she could have been dead for all i knew. i loved her, that i did know.

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Journal of a Bear

At least, that's what the picture of her standing in front of the taj mahal seemed to convey. putting the book aside, i turned my attention to the ordinary mail.

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