Ch6 Andante

The gonzolas mining claim was a few hours away by tractor he only wished he'd make it on time. \*\* dal sr. climbed down from the tractor. the claim was silent. no noise came from the mine shaft. no whinnies came from the cabin. just pure silence.

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The Farmhand's Secret

When the day was done both of them would return the tractor back to the shed and return to the house to spend the rest of the day resting.

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the future dentist

She said youll find out jake so we sat and my mom said play with the toys i said no mom im to scared then she convincied me i went by the toys and i saw a big green tractor i love tractors then i herd my name then i turned around i saw hands comeing right

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Creative Writing Story: Intro

It should be inrange of the tractor beam any second now," the admiral turned to face someone off screen. "as soon as that ship is in range, tractor it into the vehicle bay, and jump to warp 1 away from earth."

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Kauto and MW Race 6

Moving over to the next two tractors, he got a firm stance and gripped the bottom of the metal. squeezing tightly he lifted both tractors in each hand, causing his biceps to explode in size. 'mmmmmmmmmmm man that feels so nice.

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Roadside Attraction

The blue-painted tractor finally pulled up behind them, the headlights blinking on and off. "alright, i'm out," field said, all decked up again. he opened the door.

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Fair Trade

Behind him he had a tractor pulling a cart of hay. "didn't mean to startle you miss. thought you heard me pull up." he smiled. "s-sorry. just lost in thoughts.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.12

She had barely gone a few kilometers before the _resolution_'s tractor caught on to the _dustbin_. ai-directed gravity slowly pulled the old scrapper back while lensing the exhaust plume away from the federation ship's hull.

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Seahorse Bay - The Honeywell Inn

He waved a wing at the ponies as their steam tractor passed by. "button! switch! mind givin' a hoof?" switch, sitting on top of a crate, tapped his sister on the head.

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An Advanced Reality, Ch.2

No one else had been able to lift the tractor, so in a sense i had won. if i left now, i would still get the points; however, i could keep going and earn more points.

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Future Vision: Chapter 4

Not ten seconds later their ships were being tractored into hangers and gp and nexus were in open coms with each other sharing the event that just happened.

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Pandemic- Day 47 12:04 PM 1/8/2023-Chapter 17-Engine Swap-Day 1

When i woke up the next morning, raf was still under and i could hear the sounds of abbie's tractor outside, my guess was that she was moving cars or bodies.

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