The Love of my Fathers. chapther:1

I set on the couch of a group home awaiting some unkown foster parents to take me in. it would end up the same again. i would misbehave in some manner of there unliking. a man walks through the door into where i was setting.

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A second chance? (continuation of wolves revenge)

You dont have a choice, the unkown female wolf said, sounding a little angery; but not enough for era to notice it, even though he didnt care, and was in a deep sleep.

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The need of a mate. Ch 1 Redited

She continued north heading to a great unkown. within the first hours of her trip, she had fun and surprises on every step. new plants where found and new cretures where seen. she couldn't help but feel stupid for not leaveing her home a lot sooner.

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Big Bad Wolf vs. Bigger Badder Wolf

But his greatest enemies, even unkown to him, have created his most challenging challenge yet.

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Hug Me, Squeeze Me, Kiss Me, Fuck Me Part 1

Kanojo seemed older than musashi, her real age was unkown but the age difference between her and musashi was twenty to eighteen years older than him.

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the Fluke Ch. 1

Today at 6:00 am eastern seaboard time a medical proffesional examined an unusaul case involving a patient that had contracted a previosly unkown viral infection.

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photo shoot gig

Work it baby, work it," a unkown voice said as a flash of light appeared every several seconds. the big hyena grinned as he posed seductively for each picture, wearing nothing but a short shirt and tight cut off shorts.

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equine soldier

Himself anymore. it was like he was on auto-mode. something slit into his piss-slit and enter his urethra. there was no pain only plesure. he now know, he head to feed apollo. the orgasm flowed and flowed.. he shake while he gain pleasure. he awake after an unkown

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The Story of Mercedes and Nightrun (first year) part one

I looked at the caller id, but it said unkown. i cautiously answered. "hello?" a sweet and tender voice replied back. "this is mercedes. how are you creedwolf?" i stopped in front of my down with a surprised look on my face and bushed.

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Over Time

Before he could get to the point of panick, there was the simple guidance of that unkown force. amen seemed to notice it as well as he began rising from his position on the bed.

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When the Grid Became Real: part 1

This device had many new types of technology unkown to all furs. it's secret, locked away for good. but luckily there had been a single person to unlock its mysteries. this man took the device into his research and cracked it open using sheer energy.

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The New Machine

He also has a reputation on the unkown level, many people don't truly know what he does in his spare time or what he is. there are rumors of that say he has some sort of god-like powers. in short he can be in places you can end up caught off guard.

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