The gutpunching home - Part 1

He lets out a loud vocalized response of pain. draco realizes they weren't lying about this whole matter of putting their bodies to grueling tests of endurance. he might be strong, but these guys seem to be on another level.

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Chapter 8:- A Secret Love Affair Begins

Jess was really vocal, more vocal than terri thought she would be, but she still kept asking terri to stop. "terri, please, stop! what if we get caught? or if somebody hears us?"

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Beau - Chapter One

The vocals on this one were deep, dark and almost eerie. was it natural that someone out there had a voice as deep and demonic as that? i tapped my fingers on the wheel and let the dark vocals swim over me.

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A special Demonstration

Even screams of pain were controlled, with the subdermal oral nanite group, song for short controlling the vocal cords. they made it so one could scream for ages and not damage the vocal cords and also as a bonus , the screams could be modified.

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Taming the Werewolf - 17 (final)

When she did, she vocalized something that was as close to a girlish laugh as possible. amanda was still somewhere in there.


Rock Out

), rafe (dragon, choir conductor/head pyrotechnics expert), julius (wolf, lead guitar/vocal) [main character] final song.

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New Discoveries

Again, vocal communication being outlawed, we both had to communicate with body language, which was simple enough in a lab enviorment save for being specific.

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The Cow-girl

vocalizing this time instead of saying the word. a hearty mooo bellows from you this time. shaking your head after that, "that is kind of embarrassing, actually."

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Well, He's Not a Scorpion

A startled 'wah' escaped the stoat as he was dragged in, any further vocalizations muffled after the amphibian's lips closed up.

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SENTIENCE - Chapter Eight - Gaps

Their vocal language wasn't inflected; it was almost pictographic. their facial heat gave the details. "i had to know what i did not," i attempted, my heating a mess of patterns. "you had to [...]?" they said. i didn't know that last word.

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Iris and the Vines

The vine prevented her from vocalizing, leaving her to squeak out pathetic, wordless protestations: "nngh! hgll! gck! nnnnngh!" but even those, it seemed, were not to leafeon's liking.

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I tried opening my mouth to let out a scream, but my vocal cords seemed to be frozen solid, i couldn't explain why.

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