Chapter 38: The Final Key
wagner yelled as the marines started to climb the steps.
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 14
Was wagner going to call his parents? wagner soon returned with an easel and canvas, which he deftly set up in front of the jackal.
Chapter 3: Hide and Go Seek in the Dark
wagner groaned as he tried his hardest to repel the creature.
Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan
 â â â â â â â â â â â wagner moaned and slowly sat up. he felt around and grasped his helmet. wagner picked it up and sat up.
Chapter 9: The Burned Path
wagner asked. spyro merely pointed to pieces of debris scattering the incline of the volcano. "oh..." wagner simply said.
Chapter 5: Scattered Effort
€ jackson nodded and was immediately on his way down to the where wagner was.
Coach's Boys - Chapter 6: Brimming With Team Spirit
He had a feeling in his cum-filled gut, that despite wagner having a girlfriend, the wolf was hiding behind a fake relationship, wagner derived all his pleasure from fucking this _pussy_, instead of actual puss.
Chapter 36: The Mountains of Valliyor
wagner said with a grunt. wagner saw powers sitting on the opposite bench, resting as his own wounds were healing. while his wounds were nowhere as severe as wagner's, he still needed some rest. at least for a bit.
New Year, New You
wagner picked up a metal device from the table, one that was attached to a coiled bit of wire and popped open a jar.
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 2
wagner, nodding. "i would say you have a knack for putting emotion into your work. simple, yet elegant."
Someone to Lean On
wagner," kyle greeted, desperatly trying to minimize mrs. wagner's resemblance to his own mother. "i hear you two get along very... well at school," nikki's mother began, "do you two recall sparring with mops in the school cafeteria?"
The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 8: Road to nowhere
wagner called out. a large rock landed in between karson and allison separating them. rocks fell everywhere and allison was trapped inside of the room.