A Year Later, Wounds Still Lie Open

All the bad dog, and all the yelling at him, hitting his muzzle, all of it... every last ill word and hurtful strike... time goes by so fast.

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"no bad dog" rebuked homer, and tried to make him leave, but instead he brought his snout even closer to homer and began licking him. "oooh what do i do what do i do" thought homer.


The Duck Quacks Twice (teaser) - Will of the Alpha 3

Itemid=828 and ebook at bad dog books: http://baddogbooks.com/?product=will-of-the-alpha-3 **the duck quacks twice** my bill clamped down hard on the wet cigarette as i pulled my fedora further down over my brow.

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Wet Food

"b-b-b-b-bad dog," he let out weakly, still hoping to have some effect. vert barked out loud at the two of them, almost like he laughed at both of them and their pathetic attempt to stop him.

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Daisy and Boss: 6 - The Good Stuff

"bad dog." he mumbled as he wriggled around, finding the spots that were the strongest scent. almost without conscious thought, one paw snuck down to squeeze the hardening length still hidden in its white fuzzy hiding place.

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Catholic Bitch: Bad Girls, Part 5

"bad dog, dash! bad dog!" tired of this, jan grabbed the dalmatian by the legs and dug her feet into the ground, yanking him backwards. her plan worked - _too_well. with a sickening _plop!

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Dinner and Dessert

"then he is a liar," caiden said, and continued after a brief pause, breathing on his neck, "and liars are bad dogs. this' a bad dog with no restraint."

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Lunch Time For Zoe

bad dog!" and pushed her back onto the wall. she whimpered as i tore her shirt and bra completely off. if someone walked in we were dead meat. "if you let one sound out, we'll be found, so be quiet." i whispered to her.

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One Shot of Happy (Teaser)

Buy it online from bad dog books for 9.95! http://baddogbooks.com/?product=abandoned-places one shot of happy follows a mouse who just can't let go of a grudge. years of bullying and dejection has made him a hollow, unhappy soul.

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Who's a good boy?

"bad dog. you don't cover up for your masters! bad!" the scientist says with a sharp tone to his voice. you want to protest but the words hit you hard, like a slap in the face. a bad dog? no, you are a good dog!

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Bathing Bear

"bad dog!" he seemed to have calmed down, so she turned around and reached for the shampoo bottle, and like that he was on her. she was shocked to feel his weight on her back, his forelegs on either side of her.

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