Arena Hephaestos (Gift art for Squishy~)

Not to the death, mind you, but with bare fists, non-weapon powers and whatever armour the combatants could bring, this meant that, while people could end up fist-fighting in power armour, some combatants would turn up and use psychic powers, or magic, or

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Angel Dust: To love a Spider

The smell of cheap liquor and cigarettes punctuated by boisterous laughter and occasional fist fights his potpourri and incense.

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Chapter 4: Love such a strong word

Lynny lets out a deep breath rubbing his forehead happy that a fist fight didn't occur, as julyan stood there for a second or two, before he too sat down facing away from bayne.

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VR Kingdoms - Prologue: Character creation

Mel chose to play as a close-range, fist-fighting monk, while i picked an engineer, a class which fights using traps and long-range weapons. smiling and excited, we pushed together the final door to launch the game.

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Snake Scrap

fist fighting and boxing were one thing, but wrestling was never by strongest point. we traded pushes and shoves for a good long time before, he rammed his knee right into the soft part of my gut!

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Ride Home Ch.6

Was i being to hard on them, i mean i did get in a fist fight with a one and shot another in back." troy looked over to where his northstar was sitting, she was in a crouch position completely unmoving but still responded to him openly.

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Turning Up the Heat

With a grunt and low growl i release you and clench my now furred fists, fighting back the pain of the change in my belly. i can't hold myself any longer; i must have you!

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Second Draft of First Story

The best i could do was a fist-fight, and even with that i wouldn't last. my head felt like it was about to explode, and if i continued like i was, my brain would explode. i stopped trying to find nick and decided an ambush would be a better approach.

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Summer tea with the Duchess

fist fights and brawls had broken out the last time one of the villagers had helped himself to a second slice of her marble cake. straightening her bonnet lady caroline prepared herself as her buggy rode up the driveway.

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After the Storm - Part 5 [The Patrol - Part 2]

Charlie wouldn't have been able to beat jason in a fist fight under normal circumstances, but now his right arm has been paralyzed by jason attack. he saw little chances that he'd win this.

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Little Drummer Dog (10)

"now i know that there are one or two bands here that have a little bit of rivalry going between them, but i warn you all now, keep it clean, we don't allow any physical fights, any bands or band members that take part in any fist fights will be automatically

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Watch Dogs 8- The Crucible

Glancing around i saw that i'd taken it relatively well, everyone save me otto and james were still trying to shake off what happened, unlike the other two i wasn't engaged in a brutal fist-fight with the telepath who did this, wincing as i saw him break

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