Horny boy (part 18)

From the vegetation jumped out shere khan. without looking us, he ran and disappeared from our sight. mowgli was frightened: he did not hear any noise. he looked at me and, smiling, he said: \<\\>.

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Mowgli at High School (part 9)

After kaa, it was the turn of shere khan. the tiger was not very happy to be the "number two", but he was happy to taste the semen of the boy.

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A toontown party trick

"considering that i've been eaten by shere khan and kaa both, and that i've eaten bagheera, and that all four of us have eaten mowgli." tim blinked. "i never saw that in a cartoon." both bears shrugged in unison.

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Payback for Christmas

Even without the oversized butt-plug simba and shere khan left on his tailhole as a souvenir...

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Tiger's Toy

Written for fossa over on tumblrhttp://fossuary.tumblr.com a shere khan vore story involving a hapless fur who applies for a new job and things don't go exactly as he planned.

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Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 41

"blade , shadow shere khan and ice. go tell your dad and the pack, to get food . an get the cave ready for them as well." angel told them. " yes mother " they said embarrassed ,together with there tails between the legs.

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Mowgli and Baloo's talk

"we are sending you to the man villiage for it is safer there than here with shere khan roaming around" said the bear with grief. "you cant send me there oh you cant send me there i'll do anything" cried the helpless child. "anything" thought the bear.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Entry 64 - Part 2 of 2

I was more than half-tempted to give her to shere khan along with those little mice, after their shipment to war world was cancelled after this station went critical." then she paused, looking thoughtful.

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Kings of the Jungle

With shere khan and the man village gone, he was the top predator now. all the animals came to fear bagheera as his prowling as it took on a different goal. the panther became cold, cunning, and fearless.

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Alexander's song

Mowgli was dreaming in the time when his wolf-father alexander he was remebering how he was killed by the tiger shere khan, he could still remember how the tiger insert his fangs on his father's back while he was getting away from him.then he woke up

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