Faggots Everywhere

But, when i looked down at the grey cement, which was covered in a blanket of faded skid marks, dusty cracks and dry gum, i saw a rainbow bracelet lying next to my shoe.

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Secrets Ch. 25

Judging by the long skid marks trailing out from behind chase he is woefully out matched in strength but the two of them are evenly matched in stubbornness.

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Atomic FOX: Issue #6

Just look at that skid mark!" "heh, yeah i guess you're right," adam replied as he got up and dusted himself off. "you just gotta account for your limbs moving a lot slower at that size is all. now give it another shot!" adam took off once more.

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Feral Dialysis - II - Summit of Confusion

Scrap metal littered down the side of the road along with deep skid marks into the ice and snow from his studded tires. ethan got a deep nerve-racking chill from the sight of the damage; it rattled his senses.

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The Lylat Wars: XXX Part 2

They walked down the street, and fox chuckled as he saw the skid marks from his landing still there. he rubbed the back of his head as he imagined how long it would take the city to deal with that.

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Trash Reptile

A small gasp escaped his throat as he saw bea's skid-marked and fart-soaked panties dangling off the bridge of his nose. angus rolled his eyes as he saw the bottomless gator stroll into his kitchen.

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Holiday Crush

Once the light turned green, he floored it, leaving skid marks on the road as he sped back to his house. kanti pulled into his driveway at a near forty-five degree angle and was partially parked on the lawn once he finally made it.

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I'll Be Looking At The Moon

He practically left skid marks on the carpet in his hurry. mom looked at me and chuffed amusedly. "close enough?" she asked. "yeah," i chuckled as i tossed the book down to the floor and relaxed myself on the couch.

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Chapter 1 - Arrival at Sector 1404! Eurasia's Debut!

The crew led him down the stairs onto the runway, seeing the skid marks the plane caused upon landing.

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Between Worlds: Chapter 2

There were no skid marks on the ground that indicated that the car had traveled any distance and from the inside, it definitely didn't feel like the car had been tossed far enough to put them in the middle of the woods.

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Cry me a Murder, pt 8 *Final Part*

Judging by the skid-marks, richards had been in a hurry to get to the convent when something with claws made her slam the brakes and bring her escape to a sudden stop, a lousy ten miles from the convent.

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Hell on a Two-Lane Blacktop

The tires left dark skid marks on the road as it tried to resist being forced to move. sun beaming down on them, rick thrust open his door and set foot onto the burning asphalt.

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