The Chronical'ers Journal part 1

Our story begins about 5.000 b.u (before unification) with a small tribe known as the schuppenschreiter. they were a warband of nomadic raptor riders who knew the fertile regions of serpentia more than anyone else.

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When a Wolf Loves a Fox--Prelude

When a wolf loves a fox prelude my story begins in the fabled lands of foxlore.

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The Chronicles of Colin (CoC): A fox: Epilogue/teaiser

My story begins on one of these planets far from earth, where i am currently writing this. i have decided to provide my stories and experiences from my life to the only creautures worth squat on this planet; the furries.

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Our story begins in the suburbs where comet a young female reindeer has just begun to awaken to the morning light and the sound of her little fox cub crying in his crib. "i'm coming tommy i'm coming."

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Bulletproof Heart The Forward

This is where our story begins. with the fabulous killjoys; their leader party poison a red headed cheetah with a yellow laser pistol.


Family Troubles

(end of intro, story begins after asteric line) \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* 'it's friday night and i'm sitting here doing homework. great.'

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Soul guardians latias x ash

So the real story begin now!! latias and latios wake up after his battle say to his sister 'latias im need to tell you something' latias turned to his brother and say 'yeah brother?' latios say 'you remember the history of the lost egg in our family?'

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Too Safe

And thus the story begins.) "yo, jamie," called tex, a pitbull, as he watched the supply truck approach. jamie shook himself, shaking away his drowsiness, "what?" jamie replied. "why do you think we have to be here?

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The Elder Scrolls: The Madman Moony Chronicles I: The Prince of Parties

Our story begins with our hero, myself of course, approaching moony when he was down on his luck drinking his problems away like any good nord knows to. he got expelled from a college or something.


Reptilian Trinity Intro

Our story begins on the outskirts of scarlett city, the capital city of kalmarsh, as a pair of twenty three year old raptors who had left their hometown two years earlier arrive there.

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The Dimmed Spark

Now, this story begins far in the past, when six kingdoms governed reality. let's dive right in." * * * a lone figure limps through the shadows of an uncharted forest.

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