It's a lock... Chap 4

The big bear chuckled lewd and gruffly, as he pounded that hard male organ deep into the so called straight males anus. **_'hahah you damn right i am!'

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After work rendezvous...

Which was the alpaca's specialty, he loved busting a formerly straight males boi cherry with his fat cock. \*\* the white work truck pulled up outside the building, slowly the big roan stallion climbed out.

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Modern Romance

The other half was stressing just as loudly that sleeping with a drunken straight guy has never been a good idea in the past and probably wouldn't be now.

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Being Neighbourly

"who's a good straight boy? mrrf... once you've really experienced pussy you'll never go back to other men. oh, just one more thing to do.

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Under Control - Prologue - First Time for Everything

He didn't let his eyes wander, mainly because he was a straight male in the middle of a hopping gay bar. the eighteen year old grey wolf sighed again, a paw on his glass to bring it to his lips.

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Left alone (kind of)

Or maybe it's because i have a crush on a straight guy who only sees me as his friend? i don't know. and i guess i never will. then, someone knocks on the door. who could that be? i got up and opened the door to see kyle. "hi." he greeted.

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Chasing Your Dreams

This goes out to anyone who just wants to bang that big, strong, straight guy you stare at on stage. damp air hung heavy in everyone's fur. the streets were crowded with people at this late night and the bars were flooding out into the ashfault.

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It's the same as a straight guy. i mean, no straight guy actually look and like every girl they see, right?

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Knot Exercises

Decided to do a quick follow up to after workout routine here our cocky stallion stud is back, after conquering the poor virgin straight boy tiger.

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Dates - Preview

Maybe this one was another mostly-straight guy who figured it would be easier to see if he really did have interest in guys by springing for an hour with a prostitute. either way, he wasn't sticking around.

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The First Hard Steps

This bunny liked males in the sense that straight males furs liked females. or at least it was well kept, until this afternoon. as the computer monitor went from the black to the "welcome' blue, the bunny looked to himself.

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The Snake Godess: chapter two

The last part of the transformation was his transition from heterosexual male to bi-sexual hermaphrodite. underneath the almost invisible slit where is cock was now hidden another appeared indicating he now had a pussy.

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