The adventures of 5-year-old Fievel in a Pokemon World

There were pokemon nearly everywhere you looked, their trainers there with them. i walked up to the desk, and then rung the bell. right away, nurse joy showed up. she looked me over for a moment, before saying anything to me. "so, you are fievel.

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Meeting Combusken

Most of his toys were pokemon action figures, with fire-types taking a predominant majority. nick was lying on his bed (the sheeting matching his wallpaper for an almost camoflauged bed), a copy of trainer's monthy in his face.

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Patreon Reward - A Breeder's Transformation

He'd happened to run into a passimian, an arcanine, and a smeargle, and all of them were pokemon with a lot of demand.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 69

"so then if humans were pokemon at some point... why are my genes so special...? just because of a different look and color?" he asked. "no... your dna is special because you're literally the missing link...

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A Predittoment

Besides, there were pokemon around (though not many, and generally not dangerous pokemon) and she didn't quite fancy getting mauled in the middle of fucking herself. or stared at.

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Master of Aura Chapter Twelve

were pokemon always like this? "oh we were." the voice in my gem spoke to me as it read my thoughts. "we were all wild once, uncontrolled. packs of pokemon claimed their territories, we fought each other, killed each other.

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To reach the sky

They were pokemon of the forest. maybe they thought he was food. maybe that was a better fate to be of the cycle of life of this world to be someone's dinner . better to help someone for once then being blamed for someone's misery.

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Request: Weavile and Scrafty, Partners in Crime

The fact that they were pokemon didn't bother me anymore, but i knew i'd no longer need to worry about having a girlfriend, a new life was ahead of me and i was excited and ready for it.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Sixteen and Epilogue

Rook was pointed in telling them they were pokemon. "i will follow you." epa stated, eyeing all the humans rapidly herself, her eyes narrowed firmly in thought. she clearly didn't like this either. "this goes far beyond what we agreed to..."

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Say it Thrice

Seemed a little weird, especially since there were pokemon just a few feet away relaxing at the pool. but the rich had quite a few eccentricities...whatever, it wasn't ash's business. he just needed to get directions and get out of here.

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A Story of Shadow, Part II

Most of the occupants were pokemon, all of whom were settling down for a trip. one of them, an absol, lifted his head, ebony blade jutting off to the side. {so you're the recruit?}

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