To Pee, Or Not To Pee?

However, this time, she was just in a plain white room. no doors, no windows, nothing. she was wearing nothing but her pink panties, just as she was after she took her bra off.

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2 Gryphons 2 Dragons part 1

When i came too, i saw i was in a white room with solice. i looked around the room to get familiar with my surroundings. the room itself was pretty bland as it had three white walls and a clear wall looking into another room.

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What are Candus pt. 2: Origins

Meeting in a very white room, a discussion of a war that was nearing an end, along with the extinction of all the races. the last words of this vision being "we the demigods, maybe what is last of what the old world is. there is no new world up ahead.

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Big Luck

From one bland white room filled with wires and gears to another bland white room filled with vats of bubbling green fluids, olly felt like he was on some sort of carnival horror ride for luddites. "this project is developing real nice.

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(CH1) From Soldier's Rifle, to Dragon's Wings (Book 1)

(i'm awake, it was all a dream.)i thought to myself before noticing that i was in a white room with a small dark mirror on the same wall as a door. the walls were padded like you'd expect to see in a mental institution.

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In...And Out... (Ch.1, Disaster)

An hour passes, kay is in the large, white room where the machine was settled down. she was opening panels and flipping switches, while a staff member controlled the device from the control room. "anything yet kaz!?"

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Dragons Lair pt 1

She pushed a button on the armband and they were taken by a teleporter into a white room, with a black piece of one way glass in one wall. the dragon de-cloaked and left the room as several scientists entered to perform the experiments and checks.

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Zero's The Unsung Hero - There were no negotiations."

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* waking up, surrounded in a white room, he looked for escape options. windows, guardes. door, gaurded. _i need a way out.

Only Human (Chapter 2)

_i've been in this hole for several days, no one has told me why, or when i'm going to get out of this bloody white room. and i've been poked by that goddamned medical droid more times than i can count. when is this going to end?

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3. Prep work

\*wicked grin\*_ without another word, the disciplinarian went through the door to their right, leaving the three young furs alone in the plain white room. to rachel's left, hannah said, "what's he going to do next, rachel?"

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Linked Through Bond Ch. 3

A white room with health concerned posters, littering the walls. he looked down and saw that he was in a bed with soft sheets.


the playhouse

He was in a pristine white room. it was perfectly clean... apart from the blood smeared up the walls, semen on the floor and previous prisoners' waste. "oh fuck." he looked up and fell silent. many dead bodies hung from the ceiling on meat hooks.

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