Fera, or 'Quadruped' Kyruku

Fera, or 'Quadruped' Kyruku Quadruped, or 'Fera Vulpes Kyrukus' (Meaning 'Feral Vulpine Kyruku', in latin), often shortened to 'Fera', are found much smaller numbers than the typical anthropomorphic Kyruku, due to their population being drastically...

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What kinds of Kyruku are there?

What kinds of Kyruku are there? Kyruku come in a large variety of subspecies, and entirely separate crossbreeds and hybrids of other species are possible, and may lead to Kyruku having certain differing features and traits based on their lineage A...

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What could you compare Kyruku to?

What could you compare Kyruku to? Kyruku very closely resemble Vulpes vulpes, more commonly known as the European red fox in their physical build, but there are a few critical differences when one takes a closer look. Male specimens have somewhat...

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Where can Kyruku be found?

Where can Kyruku be found? Kyruku are very scientifically driven, and as such, many times, their career choices and backgrounds will come as a result of their upbringing in their home 'Facilities', deep underground complexes that house millions and...

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What is A Kyruku?

What is a Kyruku? Kyruku are a species of both anthropomorphic and quadruped canines, belonging to the genus Vulpes. There exists amongst them many different sub species, all suited to different climates in the species distant past. Kyruku are a...

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Encyclopedia Kyruku - Forwards

Encyclopedia Kyruku Third Edition Written by Isiat Carcer Forwards Hello again dear readers, and welcome once more back to my attempt at compiling all of the information I possibly can upon my brainchild species, the Kyruku into a single...

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Still as seductive as ever

Isiat's keys rattled as the dark furred, many-tailed, not-quite-a-fox fumbled with the loop, his salt and peppered facial fur creasing with his muscles as he frowned. The damned door was supposed to unlock automatically whenever the new sensor he'd...

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You scratch my Itch...

The Stryker home was quiet. It wasn't so much that this was a bad thing, or a good thing either. Really, it was an unusual thing. Alzeer, the male Rex and father of the family, was even home today, though asleep in his bedroom, resting off an...

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Splitting the tab

"Ach! Jaq, hang on! I thought this was going to be a just us night!" The red waxwing, Reginald, yammered as he was dragged along by his feathers by an excitable, red-headed Somali cat in front of him, her bushy, rust coloured tail smacking across his...

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Public Indecency

Corporal Trevor "Havoc" Smith had seen some shit in his days. The Belgian Malinois was lithe, athletic, a prime example of his species, with a pelt of black and sabel that was a pedigree of his breeding. He'd been born for this job, and he excelled at...

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Fuck you and your Feathers - By Joshiah

"You're never conveniently close by when I need you to be...you know that?" "A phone call and a few blocks is too much for you?" Normally, Jaq would have bothered dressing up a little nicer if she knew she was going to have company over, but...

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22 Weeks 'till home - Teaser

_"Let me put it like this then. You ever have one of those stories? Like, something you really wanted to get off your chest, and just tell someone about, even if it didn't make it all better? Even if it was just to make yourself fell better, to know...

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