Mall Daze

Mall Daze By Theo Winters Alison walked quickly through the mall, cursing the fact that Ben wanted to meet there of all places. She hated going to the mall, to many preppy girls in fancy clothing hanging off of the local jocks. It made her shyness...

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Ladies Night

Ladies Night by: Theo Winters Written for Lauren Rivers Annis was going to be late, she hadn't planned on it, but traffic jams and problems with the bus had eaten all the extra time she had left in her schedule. She was in a rush as she ran...

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Changing Stature

Changing Stature by: Theo Winters Written for Sovandar Galdek climbed up over the last of the boulders on the side of the mountain, the sun pounding down on the dark green skin of his scared back. The Orc grunted, pulling at the leather belt...

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A Fertile Gift

A Fertile Gift by: Theo Winters Written for Tincrash Dean yawned as he walked towards the mail box, the sun setting in the distance behind him. He had only been awake for half an hour or so there was hardly any sunlight left in the day. It...

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Exponential Lust

Exponential Lust By: Theo Winters Written for GhostBlackburn Shiku peaked out of her cave, sniffing at the air. It was getting cold again; the heavy set bear could feel it in the air. It pressed down on her body, pulling at her heat through...

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A World of Hunger

A World of Hunger by: Theo Winters Written for Copain Alex was a little surprised when he came home to find the box resting on his doorstep. It a rectangular container, about three feet tall and a couple inches thin. There was nothing on the...

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In the Hot Tub

In the Hot Tub By: Theo Winters Written for an anonymous commissioner Steven smiled as he stepped out from behind the partition of the changing area, his swim trunks holding tightly around his crotch, highlighting the large size of his...

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Rubber Under the Water

Rubber Under the Water By: Theo Winters Written for LunarKeys Amber stroked through the water, feeling it wash over her body as she swam. It felt nice, just slightly cold against her skin and pulling at her hair. When she reached the end of...

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Perfection in Marble and Water

Perfection in Marble and Water by: Theo Winters Written for SSJ3Mewtwo Daniel sorted through his mail, going through each piece and throwing away the worst of the junk. In among the bills he was surprised to find an odd looking envelope. The...

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Helping the Herd

Helping the Herd By: Theo Winters Felicia and Theo walked together down the sidewalk, each one carrying a pair of bags in their hands. The cheetah was in the lead, walking a few steps ahead of the lion, each step she took sending her long hips...

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Good Doggie

When Rael decided he wanted to be Candy's dog for a month, he had on idea how literal she meant it. A fun little story for Rael featuring some transformation and doggie sex. --- Good Doggie By: Theo Winters Written for Rael Bunny Candy...

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Scientific Progress

Scientific Progress By Theo Winters Written for Ghost Blackburn The tubby lion walked through the lobby of the research lab, his heavy belly swaying from side to side with each step he took. It bounced between his four legs in time with his...

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