Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 4

The night after our fight, Nola and I slept apart for the first time since Mom died. I don't think either of us was actually angry anymore. We were just ashamed and had no idea how to...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 3

Let me tell you why I hated Ollivander. First, that name sucks. And he got a cool nickname: Van. Not even remotely...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 2

The Den was a fucking terrible place to sleep. It was a stone hut about twenty feet in diameter. Straw covered the floor and slop buckets lined the back wall. There were no...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 1

When you spend every waking breath of your life inhaling noxious fumes that probably should have killed you years ago, it's hard not to think about the world in degrees of evil. Toxic...

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Dane, Noriko, and Bertie: Balancing Act

Dane couldn't remember the dream upon waking, but he knew it had been bad. Shadowy figures in the dark, hissing and burbling, reaching for him. He couldn't remember what they looked...

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Dane, Alan, and Darian: What Families are For

Dane Bennett moved through the rooms of the empty house, wandering through the bare-walled halls of a soft, dark green. He considered the open, empty rooms to his left and right,...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 6

Chapter 6 In the dark, a lantern swayed from side to side. Someone was patrolling the deck of the _Twilight Promise--_a marine, I was sure. Nobody in the crow's nest then, most likely. A large, powerful...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 5

Chapter 5 I hid a lot after I killed Rip. I made my rounds over the deck, of course, cracked the proverbial whip (and the literal one, a couple times) but I...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 4

Chapter 4 A month after our kittens were born, on a sweltering and humid July morning, I had my first real brush with death on the _Sea Fang_. Coincidentally, it was the day after our sixteenth birthday....

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 3

Chapter 3 I squinted into the darkness, watching the vague shapes of Anthros wandering the deck of the _Twilight Promise_, the meager bow-light not illuminating the crow's nest far above. I wasn't sure if...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 2

Chapter 2 "Bro, what did you _do?_" I sat on the edge of the bed, short an arm and feeling miserable. It had been over a year since I lost the limb, but...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 1

Chapter 1 You know, once upon a time lots of Anthros had great night vision. Not really sure if Lepids fell into that category, but I sure as Hells know we don't have it anymore. I stared into the inky...

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